Noam Chomsky (32 kníh)
Noam Chomsky Power Systems EN
In this new collection of conversations, conducted from 2010 to 2012, Noam Chomsky explores the most immediate and urgent concerns: the future of democracy in the Arab world, the implications of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the 'class war' fought by U.S. business interests against working people and the poor, the breakdown of mainstream political institutions and the rise of the far right. As always, Chomsky…
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Noam Chomsky Power Systems EN
Explores the immediate and urgent concerns: the future of democracy in the Arab world, the implications of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, the 'class war' fought by US business interests against working people and the poor, the breakdown of mainstream political institutions and the rise of the far right.
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Noam Chomsky Rekviem za americký sen
Vo svojej knihe Rekviem za americký sen: 10 princípov koncentrácie bohatstva a moci sa Noam Chomsky venuje utopickej predstave súčasného neoliberalizmu a kapitalizmu, ktorú dáva do nevšednej súvislosti s reálnym stavom americkej ekonomiky a spoločnosti...
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Noam Chomsky Understanding Power
Noam Chomsky is universally accepted as one of the pre-eminent public intellectuals of the modern era. Over the past thirty years, broadly diverse audiences have gathered to attend his sell-out lectures. Now,
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Noam Chomsky Who Rules the World? EN
Noam Chomsky is the world's foremost intellectual activist. Over the last half century, no one has done more to question the great global powers who govern our lives, forensically scrutinizing policies and actions, calling our politicians, institutions and media to account. The culmination of years of work, Who Rules the World? Is Chomsky's definitive intellectual investigation into the major issues of our times.…
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Noam Chomsky Who Rules the World? EN
A new book on the state of the world today - from one of the most respected and revered political commentators alive Noam Chomsky: philosopher, political writer, fearless activist. No one has done more to question the hidden actors who govern our lives, calling the powers that be to account. Here he presents Who Rules the World?, his definitive account of those powers, how they work, and why we should be questioning…
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Noam Chomsky, Andre Vltchek Západní terorismus CZ
V knize Západní terorismus diskutuje Noam Chomsky, světově proslulý intelektuál disentu, o moci a propagandě Západu s filmovým tvůrcem a investigativním novinářem Andrem Vltchkem. V diskusi se historický narativ propojuje s osobními zkušenostmi, které Chomského i Vltchka přivedly k aktivismu. Zaznívají osobní vzpomínky, jako třeba ta na newyorský novinový stánek, který stál u začátků politicikého vzdělání Noama…