Nigel Goodall (2 knihy)
Nigel Goodall Benedict Cumberbatch CZ
Intimní portrét vycházející hvězdy a idola, kterého proslavila role novodobého Sherlocka Holmese Benedict Cumberbatch už si zahrál detektiva i netvora, advokáta i vědce, politika i malíře, komika i špiona. Ztvárnil celou řadu hlavních i vedlejších rolí – současné ikony, historické postavy i fiktivní oblíbence, od Stephena Hawkinga, přes Williama Pitta mladšího, až po Frankensteina. Nejvíce ho však proslavila role…
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Nigel Goodall Benedict Cumberbatch
Benedict Cumberbatch is an award-winning actor with a bright future. His roles as Sherlock Holmes in the BBC television series and his portrayal of Alan Turing in The Imitation Game, as well as his role as the main antagonist in Star Trek Into Darkness have made him one of the biggest names in acting at the moment. Benedict Cumberbatch: The biography tells his story so far, from the influence of his actor parents…