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Nicola Yoon (11 kníh)

  • Nicola Yoon Everything, Everything EN

    Risk everything . . . for love. Madeline Whittier is allergic to the world; stepping outside the sterile sanctuary of her home could kill her. But then Olly moves in next door. And just like that, Maddy realizes there's more to life than just being alive. You only get one chance at first love. And Maddy is ready to risk everything, everything to see where it leads. Everything, Everthing is an innovative, inspiring…

  • Nicola Yoon Everything, Everything EN

    My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla. But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. He's tall, lean and wearing all black—black T-shirt, black jeans, black sneakers, and a black knit cap that covers his hair…

  • Nicola Yoon Everything, Everything EN

    Madeline Whittier is allergic to the outside world. So allergic, in fact, that she has never left the house in all of her seventeen years. But when Olly moves in next door, and wants to talk to Maddie, tiny holes start to appear in the protective bubble her mother has built around her. Olly writes his IM address on a piece of paper, shows it at her window, and suddenly, a door opens. But does Maddie dare to step…

  • Nicola Yoon Láska stojí za všetko

    Cítila som na sebe Ollyho pohľad, keď si myslel, že to nevidím, no aj ja som naňho potajomky vrhala zamilované pohľady... Roztriasla som sa a zavinula som sa do osušky. Olly si mylne vysvetlil moje chvenie, pristúpil bližšie a pridal mi na plecia svoju osušku. Jeho pokožka voňala po oceáne a ešte po niečom inom, po nejakej neopísateľnej veci, ktorá z neho robila Ollyho. Bola som zo seba v šoku, pretože som zatúžila…

  • Nicola Yoon Slunce je také hvězda

    Natasha je dívka, která věří ve vědu a fakta. Rozhodně ne na osud! Nebo na sny, které se nikdy nesplní. A už vůbec není ten typ holky, která se na rušné ulici v New Yorku potká s klukem a hned se do něj bláznivě zamiluje.

  • Nicola Yoon The Sun is Also a Star EN

    The dazzling new novel from Nicola Yoon, the New York Times bestselling author of Everything, Everything Natasha: I’m a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or dreams that will never come true. I’m definitely not the kind of girl who meets a cute boy on a crowded New York City street and falls in love with him. Not when my family is twelve hours away from being deported to Jamaica. Falling…

  • Nicola Yoon The Sun is also a Star

    The internationally bestselling love story from Nicola Yoon, author of Everything, Everything. Now a major film starring Yara Shahidi...

  • Nicola Yoon Všechno, úplně všechno CZ

    Tato originální prvotina vypráví o dívce, která je doslova a do písmene alergická na celý svět. Je zavřená doma, nikam nesmí a skoro nikdo nesmí k ní. Když se ale do sousedního domu přistěhuje nová rodina a s ní i kluk jménem Olly, začíná se odvíjet komplikovaná „lovestory“, která obrátí naruby všechno, úplně všechno, co osmnáctiletá Madeline dosud znala. Neotřelý milostný příběh je zajímavý i svým zpracováním –…
