Nick Hornby (54 kníh)
Nick Hornby Fotbalová horečka CZ
V jedenácti letech se Nick Hornby více méně omylem a proti své vůli ocitl na fotbalovém zápase anglické první ligy: Arsenal Londýn versus Stoke City. A jeho život se změnil. Navždy již měl záviset na vrtošivém sportovním štěstí milovaného fotbalového klubu. Bude Arsenal pokořen, či zvítězí? Nic není skvělejšího než krásný věšák pod břevno soupeřovy brány, nic potupnějšího než vlastňák. Fotbalová horečka, v pořadí…
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Nick Hornby Fotbalová horečka. Všechny moje lásky. Jak na věc CZ
Fotbalová horečka: Fotbalová horečka se stala záhy po svém vydání v roce 1992 pro anglické fotbalové fanoušky kultovní knihou. A těm, kdo ještě nefandili, otevřel Hornby oči a poslal je do fronty na lístky. Ale nebyl by to Hornby, aby jeho kniha nebyla zároveň ještě o mnohém jiném. O dospívání malého, rozpolceného, znuděného kluka v mladého muže, o životě na dusném předměstí metropole, o sexu, o smrti. Všechny…
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Nick Hornby Funny Girl EN
Nick Hornby's new novel is about popular culture, youth and old age, fame, class and teamwork. It offers a wonderfully captivating portrait of youthful exuberance and creativity, and of a period when both were suddenly allowed to flourish. Fans of Hornby will love this book, as will readers of David Nicholls, Mark Haddon and William Boyd.
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Nick Hornby Funny Girl EN
Funny Girl is the story of a popular 1960s tv comedy series. The writers, Tony and Bill, comedy obsessives, who each harbour a secret. The Oxbridge-educated director, Dennis, who loves his job but hates his marriage. The male star Clive, who feels he's destined for better things. And most of all Sophie Straw, once Barbara Parker, Miss Blackpool 1964, who's changed her name and abandoned her old life because she just…
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Nick Hornby High Fidelity EN
Do you know your desert-island, all-time, top five most memorable split-ups? Rob does. He keeps a list, in fact. But Laura isn't on it - even though she's just become his latest ex. He's got his life back, you see. He can just do what he wants when he wants: like listen to whatever music he likes, look up the girls that are on his list, and generally behave as if Laura never mattered. But Rob finds he can't move on…
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Nick Hornby High Fidelity EN
Rob does. He keeps a list, in fact. But Laura isn't on it - even through she's just become his latest ex. He's got his life back, you see. He can do what he wants when he wants: like listen to whatever music he likes, look up the girls that are on his listt, and generally behave as if Laura never matted. But Rob finds he can't move on.
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Nick Hornby High Fidelity EN
Rob does. He keeps a list, in fact. But Laura isn't on it - even though she's just become his latest ex. He's got his life back, you see. He can do what he wants when he wants: like listen to whatever music he likes, look up the girls that are on his list, and generally behave as if Laura never mattered. But Rob finds he can't move on. He's stuck in a really deep groove - and it's called Laura. Soon, he's asking…
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Nick Hornby How to be Good EN
According to her own complex moral calculations, Katie Carr has earned her affair. She's a doctor, after all, and doctors are decent people, and on top of that, her husband David is the self-styled Angriest Man in Holloway. But when David suddenly becomes good - properly, maddeningly, give-away-all-his-money good - Katie's sums no longer add up, and she is forced to ask herself some very hard questions... How To Be…
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Nick Hornby How to be Good EN
Nick Hornby's How To Be Good - part of the limited edition PENGUIN STREET ART series: timeless writing, enduring design.I am in a car park in Leeds when I tell my husband I don't want to be married to him any more... London GP Katie Carr always thought she was a good person. With her husband David making a living as 'The Angriest Man in Holloway', she figured she could put up with anything. Until, that is, David…
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Nick Hornby Jak být dobrý CZ
Hornbyho skvělá kniha nám podává bolestně komickou zprávu o současném manželství a rodičovství a klade před nás tu nejtěžší z otázek: co to vlastně znamená být dobrý. Překlad: Hanka Jelínková
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Nick Hornby Jak na věc CZ
Třicetišestiletý Will Freeman je přesvědčen, že nechce mít děti, a nechápe, proč mu to pořád všichni doporučují. Je pánem svého času, kterého má spoustu díky zděděným autorským právům na vánoční píseň, kterou jeho otec napsal v roce 1938. Chápe ovšem kouzlo osamělých matek, zvlášť když vypadají jako herečka Julie Christe. Marcus je dvanáctiletý kluk, jehož rodiče se rozešli. Jeho účes, šaty, které se nenosí,…
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Nick Hornby Julie, demoverze CZ
Annie a Duncan se přirozeně doplňují, jako dva dílky skládačky, třebaže Duncanovi kvůli vášnivému zaujetí samotářským a geniálním písničkářem Tuckerem Crowem prakticky nezbývá čas na nic dalšího - na manželství, na děti ani na hovory o čemkoli jiném než o Tuckeru Crowovi a jeho zmizení po záhadné události na toaletě jednoho nočního klubu před dvaceti lety. Annie se začíná ptát sama sebe, jestli nepromarnila patnáct…
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Nick Hornby Juliet, Naked EN
Annie and Duncan are a mid-thirties couple who have reached a fork in the road, realising their shared interest in the reclusive musician Tucker Crowe (in Duncan's case, an obsession rather than an interest) is not enough to hold them together any more. When Annie hates Tucker's 'new release', a terrible demo of his most famous album, it's the last straw - Duncan cheats on her and she promptly throws him out. Via an…
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Nick Hornby Juliet, Naked
Juliet, Naked is bestselling author Nick Hornby's moving, funny account of life's second chances. Annie's put fifteen years into safe, slightly obsessive Duncan, and now she'd like her money back, please...
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Nick Hornby Long Way Down EN
'Can I explain why I wanted to jump off the top of a tower block?' For disgraced TV presenter Martin Sharp the answer's pretty simple: he has, in his own words, pissed his life away'. And on New Year's Eve, he's going to end it all. But not, as it happens, alone. Because first single-mum Maureen, then eighteen-year-old Jess and lastly American rock-god JJ turn up and crash Martin's private party. They've stolen his…
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Nick Hornby Můj oblíbený rok CZ
Kniha, která se zde dostává čtenáři do rukou, přináší výbor esejů, jejichž ústředním tématem je fotbal. Přesto některé z próz v této sbírce vlastně nejsou o fotbale – vyprávějí o pocitu nostalgie, o zapomenutém dětství, o krátkých kalhotách a odřených kolenech. O sběratelské vášni a školní šikaně. Právě proto zůstávají v paměti i dlouze poté, co čtenář zapomene na líčení někdy šťastných, jindy nešťastných branek v…
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Nick Hornby Otherwise Pandemonium EN
Otherwise Pandemonium features two Nick Hornby stories, both packed with the trademark wit and poignancy that have made him one of the UK's most popular writers and one written specially for this volume.
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Nick Hornby Po hlavě CZ
Samovi, hlavnímu hrdinovi nového románu Nicka Hornbyho, je šestnáct, jezdí na skateboardu, běhá za děvčaty a vypráví svůj vlastní příběh o dospívání. Všechno jde jak po drátkách až do chvíle, kdy jedno z děvčat otěhotní a Sam po hlavě vpadne do světa dospělé zodpovědnosti. Sam se řítí vstříc vlastní budoucnosti a má jen nejasnou představu, jaká bude - nebo jaká by mohla být. V tomto mimořádně vtipném a hlubokém…
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Nick Hornby Slam EN
Sam is sixteen and a skater. Just so there are no terrible misunderstandings skating = skateboarding. There's no ice. Life is ticking along nicely for Sam, his Mum's got rid of her rubbish boyfriend, he's thinking about college and he's met someone. Alicia.
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Nick Hornby Slam EN
Sam is sixteen and a skater. Just so there are no terrible misunderstandings: Skating = skateboarding. There's no ice. Life is ticking along nicelz for Sam, his Mum's got rid of her rubbish boyfriend, he's thinking about college and he's met someone. Alicia. Then a little accident happens. One with big consequences for someone just finding his waz is life.
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Nick Hornby Speaking with the Angel EN
Twelve of the most successful and popular writers of today - including Helen Fielding, Robert Harris, Zadie Smith, Patrick Marber and Irvine Welsh - have written 6000-word fictional monologues along the lines of Alan Bennett's Talking Heads.