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Nicholas Sparks (129 kníh)

  • Nicholas Sparks Poslední píseň CZ

    Život vzpurné sedmnáctileté Ronnie se obrátí vzhůru nohama, když musí odjet na letní prázdniny za svým otcem do ospalého městečka u moře. Na městské pouti se Ronnie seznámí s výstřední dívkou Blaze, která by mohla být skvělou kamarádkou nebýt jejího násilnického kluka Marcuse, a potká pohledného Willa. Ronnie ho považuje za hloupého frajírka, ale brzy bude muset svůj názor změnit. Ostatně o těchhle prázdninách na ni…

  • Nicholas Sparks Poslední píseň CZ

    Život vzpurné sedmnáctileté Ronnie se obrátí vzhůru nohama, když musí odjet na letní prázdniny za svým otcem do ospalého městečka u moře. Na městské pouti se Ronnie seznámí s výstřední dívkou Blaze, která by mohla být skvělou kamarádkou nebýt jejího násilnického kluka Marcuse, a potká pohledného Willa. Ronnie ho považuje za hloupého frajírka, ale brzy bude muset svůj názor změnit. Ostatně o těchhle prázdninách na ni…

  • Nicholas Sparks Safe Haven EN

    Love hurts. There is nothing as painful as heartbreak. But in order to learn to love again you must learn to trust again. When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet unassuming, Katie is determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships. Despite her…

  • Nicholas Sparks Safe Haven EN

    The film tie-in edition of the bestelling novel by Nicholas Sparks. An epic love story from the bestselling author of The Last Song and The Notebook. Love hurts. There is nothing as painful as heartbreak. But in order to learn to love again you must learn to trust again. When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful…

  • Nicholas Sparks Safe Haven EN

    Love hurts. There is nothing as painful as heartbreak. But in order to learn to love again you must learn to trust again. When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet unassuming, Katie is determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships. Despite her…

  • Nicholas Sparks Safe Haven EN

    Love hurts. There is nothing as painful as heartbreak. But in order to learn to love again you must learn to trust again. When a mysterious young woman named Katie appears in the small American town of Southport, her sudden arrival raises questions about her past. Beautiful yet unassuming, Katie is determined to avoid forming personal ties until a series of events draws her into two reluctant relationships. Despite…

  • Nicholas Sparks See Me EN

    Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot. At twenty-eight, he's focused on getting his teaching degree and avoiding all the places and people that proved so destructive in his past. The last thing he's looking for is a serious relationship. But when he crosses paths with Maria Sanchez one rainswept night, his carefully structured life is turned upside down. And when Maria, a hardworking lawyer, meets…

  • Nicholas Sparks See Me EN

    Colin Hancock is giving his second chance his best shot. At twenty-eight, he's focused on getting his teaching degree and avoiding all the places and people that proved so destructive in his past. The last thing he's looking for is a serious relationship. But when he crosses paths with Maria Sanchez one rainswept night, his carefully structured life is turned upside down. And when Maria, a hardworking lawyer, meets…

  • Nicholas Sparks Správa vo fľaši

    Rozvedená osamelá novinárka Theresa Osbornová pri prechádzke na pláži nájde v piesku sklenenú fľašu s papierom vnútri. Neodolá a začíta sa do nádherného vyznania lásky neznámeho pisateľa žene menom Catherine. List na ňu hlboko zapôsobí a zároveň ako skúsená reportérka Chicago Tribune vytuší šancu na senzačný článok pre svoje noviny. Po neúnavnom pátraní zistí, že list napísal Garrett Blake, staviteľ lodí v…

  • Nicholas Sparks Spřízněná duše

    Hope Andersonová stojí na své životní křižovatce. Je jí třicet šest, s přítelem chodí již šest let a svatební plány jsou v nedohlednu. A aby toho nebylo málo, její otec těžce onemocněl...

  • Nicholas Sparks Šťastlivec

    Autor už viac ako desaťročie uchvacuje čitateľov príbehmi, v ktorých skúma hlboké mystériá ľudského srdca. Vo svojej novej knihe nám rozpráva ohromujúci príbeh o mužovi, ktorého blízky kontakt so smrťou priviedol k životnej láske.

  • Nicholas Sparks Strážca

    Júlia Barensonová mala dvadsaťpäť rokov, keď ovdovela. Jej manžel Jim zomrel na nádorové ochorenie mozgu. Na Štedrý deň, prvý deň po Jimovej smrti, zazvonil pri dverách Júliinho domu mladý muž s veľkou škatuľou v ruke. Krčilo sa v nej škaredé šteniatko dánskej dogy - posledný Jimov darček, ktorý kúpil ešte pred svojou smrťou. Júllin anjel strážny. Uplynuli štyri roky spoločného života Júlie so psom Singerom...

  • Nicholas Sparks Svadba

    Po tridsiatich rokoch manželstva je Wilson Lewis, zať Allie a Noaha Calhounovcov, nútený priznať si, že z jeho vzťahu s manželkou Jane už vypršalo romantické čaro. Zúfalo sa snaží získať späť srdce svojej ženy, no musí nájsť spôsob, ako docieliť, aby sa doňho opäť zamilovala. Napriek žiarivému príkladu manželstva Allie a Noaha je Wilson muž, ktorý len ťažko vyjadruje svoje pocity. Ako úspešný advokát sa dokázal…

  • Nicholas Sparks Svatba CZ

    Wilson Lewis (zeť Allie a Noaha Calhounových ze Zápisníku jedné lásky) je úspěšný právník, ale v soukromém životě mu to začíná skřípat. Ačkoli má před sebou příklad nádherného manželství rodičů své ženy Jane, sám se nikdy doopravdy nenaučil projevovat city. V práci se mu dařilo a rodinu dobře zabezpečil, ale teď už děti vyrostly, odešly z domova a Wilson si po třiceti letech manželství bolestně uvědomuje, že si se…

  • Nicholas Sparks Tal como somos ES

    Colin Hancock está decidido a no dejar escapar la segunda oportunidad que le brinda la vida. Con un historial manchado de violencia y malas decisiones, más la asfixiante amenaza de dar con los huesos en la cárcel, ha tomado la firme determinación de ir por el buen camino. Colin Hancock está decidido a no dejar escapar la segunda oportunidad que le brinda la vida. Con un historial manchado de violencia y malas…

  • Nicholas Sparks Talisman CZ

    Mariňák Logan Thibault na své misi v Iráku najde v písku fotografii usměvavé mladé ženy. Nikdo se po ní neshání, a tak si ji Logan vezme k sobě. Od té chvíle se ho začne až nápadně držet štěstí a stane se jeho talismanem. Když se vrátí zpět do Ameriky, je už přesvědčen o tom, že ta neznámá žena drží klíč k jeho osudu. Prochodí půl země, než ji nakonec najde, ale tím vše teprve začíná. Stane se křehká a zranitelná…

  • Nicholas Sparks The Best of Me EN

    They were teenage sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks – with a passion that would change their lives for ever. But life would force them apart. Years later, the lines they had drawn between past and present are about to slip . . . Called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave them shelter when they needed it most, they are faced with each other once again, and forced to…

  • Nicholas Sparks The Best of Me EN

    They were teenage sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks - with a passion that would change their lives for ever. But life would force them apart. Years later, the lines they had drawn between past and present are about to slip... Called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave them shelter when they needed it most, they are faced with each other once again, and forced to confront…

  • Nicholas Sparks The Best of Me EN

    They were teenage sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks - with a passion that would change their lives for ever. But life would force them apart. Years later, the lines they had drawn between past and present are about to slip... Called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave them shelter when they needed it most, they are faced with each other once again, and forced to confront…

  • Nicholas Sparks The Best of Me EN

    The bestselling love story behind the massive Hollywood film starring James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan. They were teenage sweethearts from opposite sides of the tracks - with a passion that would change their lives for ever. But life would force them apart. Years later, the lines they had drawn between past and present are about to slip ...Called back to their hometown for the funeral of the mentor who once gave…

  • Nicholas Sparks The Choice EN

    Travis Parker has everything a man could want: a good job; loyal friends; his dream home in small-town North Carolina. In full pursuit of the good life, he believes that a serious relationship with a woman would only cramp his style. That is until Gabby Holland moves in next door. Despite Travis’s attempts to be friendly, she seems to have a chip on her shoulder about him. But something compels Travis to get to know…
