Nic Fields (4 knihy)
Nic Fields Carthaginian Warrior 264 - 146 BC EN
By the outbreak of the First Carthaginian War, Carthage controlled the whole coast of northern Africa. At first, the core of the Carthaginian armies was made up of armed citizens, backed by levies from tributary allies and foreign mercenaries. Later, the mercenaries would become the backbone of these armies. This book explores the heterogeneous mixture of races within the Carthaginian forces, and discusses their…
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Nic Fields Early Roman Warrior 753 - 321 BC EN
The prototypical 'Roman Legionnaire' often seen on television and in movies is actually the product of nearly a millennium of military development. Far back in the Bronze Age, before the city of Rome existed, a loose collection of independent hamlets eventually formed into a village. From this base, the earliest Roman warriors launched cattle raids and ambushes against their enemies. At some point during this time,…
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Nic Fields Řecká válečná loď CZ
Starověké triéry představovaly nejobávanější a nejdokonalejší válečné lodě, s jejichž pomocí ovládali Athéňané po dlouhou dobu východní Středomoří. Triéra byla veslice primárně určená k boji a její konstrukční prvky později převzali Římané při stavbě trirém. V knize najdete detailní a kompletní popis této nejmocnější antické válečné lodě, technologii její výroby, použitý materiál, vlastnosti, výhody a nevýhody,…
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Nic Fields Roman Republican Legionary 298 - 105 BC EN
Soon after the Caudine Forks fiasco, where Roman citizens had suffered the humiliation of being forced to pass under the yoke, an act symbolising their loss of warrior status, the tactical formation adopted by the Roman army underwent a radical change. Introduced as part of the Servian reforms, the legion had originally operated as a Greek-style phalanx, a densely packed block of citizens wealthy enough to outfit…