Niall Ferguson (27 kníh)
Niall Ferguson Britské impérium CZ
V posledních padesáti letech mnozí historikové očerňovali britské impérium a dělali z něj násilnický zločinecký spolek, který po sobě zanechal snad jen dva památníky: hru zvanou fotbal a výraz „fuck of“. O objektivnější pohled se pokouší britský historik Niall Ferguson a ukazuje, že z imperiálního dědictví vznikl moderní svět, který bereme jako samozřejmost: demokracie, volný obchod a globalizace. Ferguson líčí…
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Niall Ferguson Britské impérium CZ
Ferguson líčí historii Britského impéria od 16. do 21. století. Impérium, které v době svého vrcholu ovládalo čtvrtinu světové populace, čtvrtinu zemského povrchu a téměř všechny oceány, se příznivě podepsalo na vývoji Spojených států a Kanady, Indie, Afriky, Austrálie, Nového Zélandu, východní Asie a Číny. Podle Fergusona impérium neožebračovalo národy, které se ocitly pod jeho nadvládou, ale naopak zajišťovalo…
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Niall Ferguson Civilizace CZ
Nejnovější kniha anglického historika Nialla Fergusona představuje velmi nápaditý pokus o konfrontaci civilizačního střetávání se Západu se zbytkem světa od antiky až po naši současnost. Esejistickou formou, obdobně jako ve velmi úspěšné knize Vzestup peněz, se Ferguson pokouší odpovědět na otázku, proč se západní civilizace stala ve světě v moderní době zcela dominantní, ačkoli k tomu postrádala jakékoli…
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Niall Ferguson Civilization EN
Winner of the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize 2013 Niall Ferguson's Civilization: The Six Killer Apps of Western Power is a vital, brilliant look at the winning tools of power. In 1412, Europe was a miserable backwater ravaged by plague, bad sanitation and incessant war, while the Orient was home to dazzling civilizations. So how did the West come to dominate the Rest?
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Niall Ferguson Civilization
Winner of the Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize 2013. In 1412, Europe was a miserable backwater ravaged by plague, bad sanitation and incessant war, while the Orient was home to dazzling civilizations...
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Niall Ferguson Civilization: The West and the Rest EN
If in the year 1411 you had been able to circumnavigate the globe, you would have been most impressed by the dazzling civilizations of the Orient. The Forbidden City was under construction in Ming Beijing; in the Near East, the Ottomans were closing in on Constantinople. By contrast, England would have struck you as a miserable backwater ravaged by plague, bad sanitation and incessant war. The other quarrelsome…
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Niall Ferguson Colossus EN
Is America the new world empire? Presidents from Lincoln to Bush may have denied it but, as Niall Ferguson's brilliant and provocative book shows, the US is in many ways the greatest imperial power of all time. What's more, it always has been an empire, expanding westwards throughout the nineteenth century and rising to global dominance in the twentieth. But is today's American colossus really equipped to play Atlas…
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Niall Ferguson Great Degeneration EN
The decline of the West is something that has long been prophesied. Symptoms of decline are all around us today, it seems: slowing growth, crushing debts, aging populations, anti-social behaviour. But what exactly is amiss with Western civilization? The answer, Niall Ferguson argues, is that our institutions - the intricate frameworks within which a society can flourish or fail - are degenerating. Representative…
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Niall Ferguson Kissinger EN
No American statesman has been as revered and as reviled as Henry Kissinger. Hailed by some as the indispensable man, whose advice has been sought by every president from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush, Kissinger has also attracted immense hostility from critics who have cast him as an amoral Machiavellian - the ultimate cold-blooded realist. In this remarkable new book, the first of two volumes, Niall Ferguson…
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Niall Ferguson Kissinger EN
No American statesman has been as revered and as reviled as Henry Kissinger. Hailed by some as the indispensable man, whose advice has been sought by every president from John F. Kennedy to George W. Bush, Kissinger has also attracted immense hostility from critics who have cast him as an amoral Machiavellian - the ultimate cold-blooded realist. In this remarkable new book, the first of two volumes, Niall Ferguson…
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Niall Ferguson Nešťastná válka CZ
První světová válka byla jednou z nejtragičtějších a současně nejvýznamnějších událostí 20. století a kniha Nešťastná válka zpochybňuje téměř všechny zažité představy o jejích příčinách a následcích. Proto se záhy po svém vydání stala událostí v historické literatuře. Autor dokládá, že k Velké válce došlo výhradně vinou Británie, která do ní vstoupila na základě naivních představ o německých záměrech. Z…
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Niall Ferguson The Ascent of Money EN
Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot. Call it what you like, it matters now more than ever. In The Ascent of Money, Niall Ferguson shows that finance is the foundation of all human progress and the lifeblood of history. From the cash injection that funded the Italian Renaissance to the stock market bubble that sparked the French Revolution, from the bonds that fueled Britain's war effort to the Wall Street Crash and today…
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Niall Ferguson The Ascent of Money
Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot. Call if what you like, it matters now more than ever. In The Ascent of Money, Niall Ferguson shows that financial history is the back-story to all history...
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Niall Ferguson, Fareed Zakaria The End of the Liberal Order?
Across the Western world more and more countries are looking inwards – national borders reasserted, national interests re-emphasised and nationalism on the rise once again. Fears of a globalized world are rampant. Could this be the end of the liberal international order?
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Niall Ferguson The Great Degeneration EN
Niall Ferguson's bold, pithy and insightful analysis of the degeneration of the West. The decline of the West is something that has long been prophesied. Symptoms of decline are all around us today: slowing growth, crushing debts, aging populations. But what exactly is amiss with Western civilization? The answer, Niall Ferguson argues, is that our institutions - the intricate frameworks within which a society can…
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Niall Ferguson The House of Rothschild: Moneys Prophets 1798 - 1848 EN
In his rich and nuanced portrait of the remarkable, elusive Rothschild family, Oxford scholar and bestselling author Niall Ferguson uncovers the secrets behind the family's phenomenal economic success. He reveals for the first time the details of the family's vast political network, which gave it access to and influence over many of the greatest statesmen of the age. And he tells a family saga, tracing the…
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Niall Ferguson The House of Rothschild: The World's Banker 1849 - 1999 EN
Niall Ferguson's House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets 1798-1848 was hailed as definitive by the New York Times, a great biography by Time magazine, and was named one of the Ten Best Books of 1998 by Business Week. Now, Ferguson concludes his myth - breaking portrait of one of the most powerful families of modern times at the zenith of its power. From Crimea to World War II, wars repeatedly threatened the stability…
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Niall Ferguson The Square and the Tower
Historians love to write about rulers—kings, emperors, presidents—or about vast social forces-migration, industrialisation-but what if they are all missing the point? Thinking about our own lives, isn't it clear that what makes the world go round are families, colleagues, teams, associations: in other words, networks? Many old Italian towns have the same central structure: a large square where people gather and a…
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Niall Ferguson The Square and the Tower
Most history is hierarchical: it's about popes, presidents, and prime ministers. But what if that's simply because they create the historical archives? What if we are missing equally powerful but less visible networks - leaving them to the ...
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Niall Ferguson Válka světa CZ
Dvacáté století, od konfliktů, jež zvěstovaly příchod 1. světové války, po dozvuky války studené, je jednoznačně nejkrvavějším stoletím dějin člověka. Jak vysvětlit ten ohromný rozsah a intenzitu násilí v době, kdy na tom byla většina lidí díky vědeckým a ekonomickým pokrokům lépe než kdykoli předtím? Proč se pokrok zvrhl v genocidu? Ferguson hledá řešení paradoxu věku nenávisti, pátrá po vysvětlení, co se to s naší…
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Niall Ferguson Velký rozklad CZ
Symptomy úpadku dnes vidíme všude kolem sebe: zpomalování růstu, drtivé zadlužení, narůstající nerovnost, stárnutí populace, protispolečenské jednání. Co přesně se vlastně pokazilo? Podle Fergusona je problém v tom, že se rozkládají naše instituce – zastupitelská vláda, volný trh, zákony a občanská společnost. Rozpad institucí je příčinou ekonomické stagnace i geopolitického úpadku. Aby se tyto procesy zastavily,…