Naomi Wood (4 knihy)
Naomi Wood Mrs. Hemingway EN
In the dazzling summer of 1926, Ernest Hemingway and his wife Hadley travel from their home in Paris to a villa in the south of France. They swim, play bridge and drink gin. But wherever they go they are accompanied by the glamorous and irrepressible Fife. Fife is Hadley's best friend. She is also Ernest's lover. Hadley is the first Mrs. Hemingway, but neither she nor Fife will be the last. Over the ensuing decades,…
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Naomi Wood Pani Hemingwayová
Nežná staropanenská Hadley, mondénna dračica Fife, emancipovaná ambiciózna Martha, starostlivá, obetavá Mary – štyri zákonité manželky Ernesta Hemingwaya, nie iba ženy, tých mal slávny bonviván v živote oveľa viac...
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Naomi Wood The Hiding Game
In 1922, Paul Beckermann arrives at the Bauhaus art school and is immediately seduced by both the charismatic teaching and his fellow students. Eccentric and alluring, the more time Paul spends with his new friends the closer they become...