Milan Kundera (76 kníh)
Milan Kundera El telón: Ensayo en siete partes
Sólo el gran arte de la novela es capaz de desgarrar por un instante el telón de prejuicios y preinterpretaciones con que desciframos no sólo nuestra vida sino la historia entera de la humanidad...
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Milan Kundera Encounter: Essays EN
With the same dazzling mix of emotion and idea that characterizes his novels he illuminates the art and artists who remain important to him and whose work helps us better understand the world. An astute and brilliant reader of fiction, Kundera applies these same gifts to the reading of Francis Bacon’s paintings, Leos Janácek’s music, the films of Federico Fellini, as well as to the novels of Philip Roth, Dostoyevsky…
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Milan Kundera Farewell Waltz EN
Klima, a celebrated jazz trumpeter, receives a phone call announcing that a young nurse with whom he spent a brief night at a fertility spa is pregnant. She has decided he is the father. And so begins a comedy which, during five madcap days, unfolds with ever-increasing speed. Klima's beautiful, jealous wife, the nurse's equally jealous boyfriend, a fanatical gynaecologist, a rich American, at once Don Juan and…
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Milan Kundera Identity EN
Sometimes - perhaps only for an instant - we fail to recognise a companion; for a moment their identity ceases to exist, and thus we come to doubt our own. The effect is at its most acute in a couple where our existence is given meaning by our perception of a lover, and theirs of us. With his astonishing skill at building on and out from the significant moment, Kundera has placed such a situation and the resulting…
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Milan Kundera Identity EN
Sometimes - perhaps only for an instant - we fail to recognise a companion; for a moment their identity ceases to exist, and thus we come to doubt our own. The effect is at its most acute in a couple where our existence is given meaning by our perception of a lover, and theirs of us. With his astonishing skill at building on and out from the significant moment, Kundera has placed such a situation and the resulting…
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Milan Kundera Ignorance EN
In Ignorance, Milan Kundera takes up the complex and emotionally charged theme of exile and creates from it a literary masterpiece. A man and a woman meet by chance while returning to their Czech homeland in the early 1990s after twenty years of self-imposed exile. Will they manage to pick up the thread of their strange love story, interrupted by the tides of history? The truth is that after such a long absence …
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Milan Kundera Ignorance EN
In Ignorance, Milan Kundera takes up the complex and emotionally charged theme of exile and creates from it a literary masterpiece. A man and a woman meet by chance while returning to their Czech homeland in the early 1990s after twenty years of self-imposed exile. Will they manage to pick up the thread of their strange love story, interrupted by the tides of history? The truth is that after such a long absence …
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Milan Kundera Immortality EN
A novel, divided into seven parts and exploring immortality. This is the author's seventh novel. His previous works include The Joke, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting and The Unbearable Lightness of Being. He has written one play, Jacques and his Master.
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Milan Kundera, Simon Callow Jacques and His Master EN
Jacques and His Master is a deliciously witty and entertaining variation on Diderot's novel Jacques le Fatalist, written for Milan Kundera's private pleasure in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia. When the heavy Russian irrationality fell on Czechoslovakia, Milan Kundera explains, he felt drawn to the spirit of the eighteenth century And it seemed to me that nowhere was it to be found more…
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Milan Kundera Jacques y su amo: Homenaje a Denis Diderot en tres actos
En 1972, el joven director de teatro francés Georges Werler fue a ver a Milan Kundera a Praga y a su regreso consiguió, pese a los controles de la frontera, introducir en Francia el manuscrito de su obra de teatro Jacques y su amo...
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Milan Kundera Kastrující stín svatého Garty CZ
Po úspěšných svazcích Můj Janáček a Zneuznávané dědictví Cervantesovo vycházejí pod názvem Kastrující stín svatého Garty texty Milana Kundery věnované Franzi Kafkovi: eseje Kastrující stín svatého Garty a Překlad jedné věty (z knihy Les testaments trahis /Zrazené testamenty/) a „jako doplněk a epilog“ Umění věrnosti a Hranice nepravděpodobného už není střežená.
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Milan Kundera Kniha smíchu a zapomnění
„Celá tato kniha je román ve formě variací. Jednotlivé oddíly následují po sobě jako jednotlivé úseky cesty, která vede dovnitř tématu, dovnitř myšlenky, dovnitř jedné jediné situace, jejíž pochopení se mi ztrácí v nedohlednu. Je to román o Tamině, a ve chvíli, kdy Tamina odchází ze scény, je to román pro Taminu. Ona je hlavní postavou i hlavním posluchačem a všechny ostatní příběhy jsou variací jejího příběhu a…
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Milan Kundera L'art du roman
«Le monde des théories n'est pas le mien. Ces réflexions sont celles d'un praticien. L'ouvre de chaque romancier contient une vision implicite de l'histoire du roman, une idée de ce qu'est le roman...
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Milan Kundera La Despedida
En un balneario algo trasnochado convergen temporalmente ocho per-sonas cuyas circunstancias se van entretejiendo paulatinamente hasta formar, con la precision de una telarana, una trama en la que todos, directa o indirectamente, acaban viendose...
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Milan Kundera La despedida
En un balneario algo trasnochado convergen temporalmente ocho personas cuyas circustancias se van entretejiendo paulatinamente hasta formar, con la precisión de una telarana, una trama en la que todos, directa o indirectamente...
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Milan Kundera La fiesta de la insignificancia
Proyectar una luz sobre los problemas más serios y a la vez no pronunciar una sola frase seria, estar fascinado por la realidad del mundo contemporáneo y a la vez evitar todo realismo, así es La fiesta de la insignificancia...
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Milan Kundera La identidad
Chantal y Jean-Marc viven juntos en París y se quieren, se quieren tanto que incluso parecen confundirse. Y es que, a veces, se dan situaciones en las que, por un instante, ninguno de los dos parece reconocerse...
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Milan Kundera La inmortalidad
A partir del gesto encantador de una mujer de cierta edad, el escritor crea el personaje de Agnes, alrededor de la cual aparecerán su hermana Laura, su marido Paul, y todo nuestro mundo contemporáneo en el que se rinde culto a la tecnología...