Mike Tucker (3 knihy)
Mike Tucker Doctor Who: Roj hrůzy CZ
Gabby Nicholsová právě ukládá svého syna do postele, když vtom zaslechne volání dcery. „Maminko, mám v pokoji tatíka dlouhonožku!“ A pak začnou výkřiky… Alan Travers míří domů z hospody a něco mu hrábne do obličeje – pavučina. Ze stínů se vyvalí cosi obrovského a smrtícího… Kevin Alperton je na cestě do školy, když vtom ho napadne komár. Veliký komár. Věci naberou rychlého spádu. Doktora ale nezaujal ani mrtvý…
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Mike Tucker Doctor Who: The Crawling Terror EN
Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. ‘Mummy there's a daddy longlegs in my room!' Then the screaming starts. Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when he is attacked by a mosquito. A big one. Then things get dangerous. But it isn't the dead man cocooned inside a huge mass of web that worries the Doctor. It isn't the swarming, mutated insects that make him nervous. With the…
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Mike Tucker Doctor Who: The Crawling Terror
Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. ‘Mummy there’s a daddy longlegs in my room!’ Then the screaming starts… Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when he is attacked by a mosquito. A big one...