Mick Wall (16 kníh)
Mick Wall AC/DC EN
AC/DC moved to Britain from Sydney in 1975, and soon set up a residency at London's Marquee Club. Their short hair (including the odd mullet), loud rock and attitude chimed well with the lingering pub rock and soon-to-be punk crowd. They weren't really a band for guitar solos, and singer Bon Scott was the original bike-riding, speed-snorting, fighting man. An ex-convict he lived life fast and short; he died in…
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Mick Wall Appetite for Destruction EN
Whether it's hanging around with Marillion's Fish in Berlin, seeing Whitesnake fail to ignite 1985's Rock in Rio, talking through old times with Jimmy Page in his Berkshire pile or following Ozzy Osbourne to Moscow, there isn't a rock luminary that Wall hasn't cross-examined or kept the flame burning with at some point over the last thirty years. Here, amongst several pieces, he catches Lars Ullrich just on the cusp…
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Mick Wall Bono: Ve jménu lásky CZ
Životní příběh jedné z nejvýznač- nějších a nejpozoruhodnějších postav dnešní hudby - frontmana skupiny U2, zpěváka Bono Voxe, nejangažo- vanější rockové hvězdy od dob Johna Lennona, lobbisty a zastánce rasové harmonie. Bono Vox má za sebou vedle skvělé kariéry rockové hvězdy i dlouhou řadu politicky a společensky orientovaných kampaní,od pobuřující Sunday Bloody Sunday až po živý telefonát z koncertu přímo Billu…
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Mick Wall Enter Night Metallica EN
Alongside contemporaries Slayer, Megadeath and Anthrax, Metallica came to prominence in the eighties as one of the 'big four' of thrash metal. Metallica were to thrash, though, what the Sex Pistols were to punk. Nearly thirty years on, their tale is one of alcohol, rule breaking and tragically early death. But allied to that are colossal sales figures for their records - they are the fifth-highest selling recording…
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Mick Wall Iron Maiden – Run to the Hills CZ
Kniha Run To The Hills je příběhem skupiny Iron Maiden. Vypráví o cestě odhodlání, osobní oběti a nezlomné víry ve vlastní věc. Iron Maiden se proslavili po celém světě svými bouřlivými koncerty, skvělou podívanou a vyprodanými koncertními šňůrami. Na svém kontě mají přes 60 milionů prodaných alb a stanuli až na samém vrcholu hudebních žebříčků. Pro mnohé umělce nové generace se skupina stala vzorem, který významně…
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Mick Wall Last of the Giants EN
Many millions of words have already been written about Guns N' Roses, the old line-up, the new line-up. But none of them have ever really gotten to the truth. Which is this: Guns N' Roses has always been a band out of time, the Last of the Giants. They are what every rock band since the Rolling Stones has tried and nearly always failed to be: dangerous. At a time when smiling, MTV-friendly, safe-sex, just-say-no Bon…
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Mick Wall Lou Reed EN
Rock 'n' roll was Lou Reed's life. From recording one of the most critically acclaimed albums of all time with The Velvet Underground and Nico (1967), to heavy drug abuse and performing in front of the Pope, Lou Reed's story is one of great peaks and deep lows. Forever dedicated to his art, he became one of modern music's most legendary and seismic figures. Although a controversial, outspoken and undoubtedly…
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Mick Wall Love Becomes a Funeral Pyre EN
The Doors have become the stuff of music legend, having being one of the first bands to bring the dark side of rock to a mass following. They formed in 1965 and went on to dizzying levels of success - with the wild rock 'n' roll lifestyle to match. As one of the most provocative and influential rock acts of the 1960s, springing from the era of free love and revolution, the story of The Doors is one filled with…
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Mick Wall Love Becomes a Funeral Pyre EN
The Doors have become the stuff of music legend, having being one of the first bands to bring the dark side of rock to a mass following. They formed in 1965 and went on to dizzying levels of success - with the wild rock 'n' roll lifestyle to match. As one of the most provocative and influential rock acts of the 1960s, springing from the era of free love and revolution, the story of The Doors is one filled with…
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Mick Wall Metallica: Enter Night EN
Mick Wall moves on from Led Zeppelin to produce a definitive doorstop on Metallica.
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Mick Wall Příběh Led Zeppelin CZ
Čtyřicet let poté, co se Led Zeppelin poprvé sešli ve špinavém sklepě v Čínské čtvrti, spatřila světlo světa jejich definitivní biografie. Poslední legenda hudby let šedesátých a první legenda následující dekády vyrostla na nepříliš pevných základech skupiny Yardbirds, záhy se však stala jednou z nejúspěšnějších rockových formací všech dob. Mick Wall, uznávaný odborník na rockovou muziku a letitý spolupracovník…
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Mick Wall The True Story of Guns N' Roses EN
Many millions of words have already been written about Guns N' Roses, the old line-up, the new line-up. But none of them have ever really gotten to the truth. Which is this: Guns N' Roses has always been a band out of time, the Last of the Giants. They are what every rock band since the Rolling Stones has tried and nearly always failed to be: dangerous. At a time when smiling, MTV-friendly, safe-sex, just-say-no Bon…
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Mick Wall Two Riders Were Approaching
It is widely considered in music, there are two eras-before Hendrix and after Hendrix. Regarded as the greatest guitarist of all time, Jimi Hendrix is the embodiment of rock 'n' roll. His career only spanned four years but in that time ...
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Mick Wall Vzhůru do noci Metallica - Biografie CZ
Metallica znamenala pro zvuk a image heavy metalu osmdesátých let přesně to, co Led Zeppelin pro rock a Sex Pistols pro punk. Ze čtveřice vynálezců thrash metalu – k nimž patří ještě Slayer, Anthrax a Megadeth – to byla vždycky Metallica, kdo stál v čele, Metallica vždy dobývala nová území; právě Metallica vstoupila mezi velké rockové monolity.Vzhůru do noci přináší příběh skupiny Metallica, podrobně rozebírá…
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Mick Wall Z lásky oheň pohřební CZ
Jim Morrison umírá v Paříži v roce 1971 za ne zcela vyjasněných okolností. Zbývající členové The Doors jsou v šoku. Jsou zdrceni i přesto, že se ještě před touto tragickou událostí stihli s Jimem ve zlém rozejít. Ale ve skutečnosti – nebyl to Jim, kdo psal jejich největší hity, tím byl kytarista Robby Krieger. Nebyl to Jim, kdo pod vlivem LSD jasnozřivě viděl jejich budoucnost, tím byl klávesista Ray Manzarek. Byl…