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Michele Giuttari (4 knihy)

  • Michele Giuttari A Death in Calabria EN

    One of the wildest and most beautiful regions in Italy, known for its rugged coastline and mountains, Calabria is also home to the deadly 'Ndrangheta. An organised Mafia crime operation more feared in Italy than the Cosa Nostra or the Camorra, it is shrouded in mystery. Chief Superintendent Michele Ferrara of Italy's elite Anti-Mafia Investigation Department is tasked with investigating the deaths of several…

  • Michele Giuttari A Death in Tuscany EN

    In the picturesque Tuscan hill town of Scandicci, the body of a girl is discovered, lying by the edge of the woods. The local police investigate the case-but after a week, they still haven’t even identified her, let alone got to the bottom of how she died. Frustrated by the lack of progress, Chief Superintendent Michele Ferrara, head of Florence’s elite Squadra Mobile, decides to step in. Because toxins were…

  • Michele Giuttari Die Signatur DE

    Eine Serie grausamer Morde, bei denen der Täter stets seine ganz persönliche Handschrift hinterlässt, sorgt für Aufruhr in Florenz und Umgebung. Commissario Ferrara vom Morddezernat Florenz erkennt schon bald, dass er es hier mit einem kaltblütigen Rachefeldzug zu tun hat. Und auch er selbst befindet sich in tödlicher Gefahr, wie einer mysteriösen Botschaft zu entnehmen ist, die der Mörder an ihn adressiert hat. Als…

  • Michele Giuttari The Death of a Mafia Don EN

    A bomb explodes in the centre of Florence, hitting the car of Chief Superintendent Michele Ferrara of the elite Squadra Mobile. The attack rocks the ancient city to its foundations. Ferrara was clearly the target - and he did, after all, just controversially imprison notorious Mafia boss Salvatore Laprua. A week later, another bomb explodes - bringing tragedy for Ferrara and a determination to find the culprit. But…
