Michel Houellebecq (33 kníh)
Michel Houellebecq Sérotonín
Rozprávačom románu Sérotonín je štyridsaťšesťročný Florent-Claude, ktorý pracuje na Ministerstve poľnohospodárstva, a jeho príbeh je o Francúzsku, ktoré dupe po svojich tradíciách, ničí svoje mestá a búriaci sa vidiek.
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Michel Houellebecq Serotonin
Dissatisfied and discontent, Florent-Claude Labrouste begrudgingly works as an engineer for the Ministry of Agriculture, and is in a self-imposed dysfunctional relationship with a younger woman...
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Michel Houellebecq Sérotonín
Rozprávačom románu Sérotonín je štyridsaťšesťročný Florent-Claude, ktorý pracuje na Ministerstve poľnohospodárstva, a jeho príbeh je o Francúzsku, ktoré dupe po svojich tradíciách, ničí svoje mestá a búriaci sa vidiek. Florent-Claude rozpráva o svojom...
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Michel Houellebecq Soumission FR
Dans une France assez proche de la nôtre, un homme s'engage dans la carrière universitaire. Peu motivé par l'enseignement, il s'attend à une vie ennuyeuse mais calme, protégée des grands drames historiques. Cependant les forces en jeu dans le pays ont fissuré le système politique jusqu'à provoquer son effondrement. Cette implosion sans soubresauts, sans vraie révolution, se développe comme un mauvais rêve. Le…
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Michel Houellebecq Submission EN
In a near-future France, François, a middle-aged academic, is watching his life slowly dwindle to nothing. His sex drive is diminished, his parents are dead, and his lifelong obsession – the ideas and works of the nineteenth-century novelist Joris-Karl Huysmans – has led him nowhere. In a late-capitalist society where consumerism has become the new religion, François is spiritually barren, but seeking to fill the…
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Michel Houellebecq Submission EN
In a near-future France, François, a middle-aged academic, is watching his life slowly dwindle to nothing. His sex drive is diminished, his parents are dead, and his lifelong obsession – the ideas and works of the nineteenth-century novelist and pessimist Joris-Karl Huysmans – has led him nowhere. In a late-capitalist society where consumerism has become the new religion, François is spiritually barren, but seeking…
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Michel Houellebecq Unreconciled EN
Selected poems from the critically acclaimed author of Atomised and Submission Dual-language edition. This selection of poems chosen from four collections shines a fresh light on Michel Houellebecq and emphasises the radical singularity of his work. Drawing on similar themes as his novels, Unreconciled is a journey into the depths of individual experience and universal passions.Divided into five parts, Unreconciled…
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Michel Houellebecq Zostať nažive a iné texty
Mŕtvy básnik nepíše. Preto je dôležité zostať nažive. Zbierka esejí a článkov popredného súčasného francúzskeho básnika a prozaika Michela Houellebecqa ponúka autorov chladný, často zábavný, vždy prenikavý pohľad na aspekty modernity. Poslaním človeka je zostať nažive. Bez strachu z prázdna samoty či z hrozných právd, ktoré mu odhalí triezvy pohľad na svet. Texty tejto knižky vychádzali v deväťdesiatych rokoch a…