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Michael Pollan (9 kníh)

  • Michael Pollan Cooked EN

    Fire, water, air, earth - our most trusted food expert recounts the story of his culinary education. In Cooked, Michael Pollan explores the previously uncharted territory of his own kitchen. Here, he discovers the enduring power of the four classical elements - fire, water, air, and earth - to transform the stuff of nature into delicious things to eat and drink. Apprenticing himself to a succession of culinary…

  • Michael Pollan Cooked EN

    A uniquely enjoyable quest to understand the transformative magic of cooking - from Michael Pollan, bestselling author of In Defence of Food. In a culture of celebrity chefs and food reality shows, in countries which are crammed with fresh ingredients flown in from every corner of the Earth, we nonetheless year-on-year wade ever deeper into a great swamp of processed foods. The more we watch food on television, the…

  • Michael Pollan Cooked EN

    Extraordinary stories of transformation in a quest to uncover the fundamentals of cooking - from writer and cooking star Michael Pollan. Michael Pollan's Cooked takes us back to basics and first principles: cooking with fire, with water, with air and with earth. Meeting cooks from all over the world, who share their wisdom and stories, Pollan shows how cooking is at the heart of our culture and that when it gets…

  • Michael Pollan Dilema všežravce

    Autor se ve své mimořádně čtivé práci zaměřuje na velkovýrobu potravin v USA, ovšem jeho poznatky jsou stejně platné pro všechny vyspělé země západního světa. Krom alarmujícího reportážního popisu samotné produkce uvažuje i o tom, jaký má dopad na krajinu, hospodářské plodiny a zvířata, ale i na skladbu našeho jídelníčku, stravovací návyky, kulturu stolování i zdraví člověka. Jeho popis průmyslového zpracování…

  • Michael Pollan Food Rules EN

    An enhanced edition of Food Rules - beautifully illustrated and packed with additional food wisdom. Michael Pollan’s Food Rules prompted a national discussion helping to change the way Americans approach eating. This new edition illustrated by celebrated artist Maira Kalman - and expanded with a new introduction and nineteen additional food rules - marks an advance in the national dialogue that Food Rules inspired.…

  • Michael Pollan How to Change Your Mind

    Could psychedelic drugs change our worldview? One of America's most admired writers takes us on a mind-altering journey to the frontiers of human consciousness...

  • Michael Pollan How to Change Your Mind

    Could psychedelic drugs change our worldview? Join Michael Pollan on a journey to the frontiers of the human mind. Diving deep into an extraordinary world - from shamans and magic mushroom hunts to the pioneering ...

  • Michael Pollan In Defence of Food EN

    These simple words get to the heart of Michael Pollan's In Defence of Food. Humans used to know how to eat well, but the balanced dietary lessons that were once passed down through the generations have become confused, complicated and distorted by food industry marketers, nutritional scientists and journalists, all of whom have much to gain from our dietary confusion. As a result we face today a complex culinary…
