Melvin Burgess (5 kníh)
Melvin Burgess Heroín
Strhujúca kniha britského autora zobrazuje osudy dvojice mladých ľudí, závislých na drogách. Krok za krokom nás vedie cestou, smerujúcou do pekla, po ktorej kráčajú hlavní hrdinovia knihy, takže strašný osud tých, ktorí neodolali drogám, zažívame doslova na vlastnej koži. Kniha obsahuje šokujúce výpovede samotných narkomanov, ale aj ich priateľov, ktorí zvonka pozorujú prehlbujúcu sa závislosť a usilujú sa zabrániť…
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Melvin Burgess Sara's Face EN
Sara is not your typical teenage girl. She wants more than just an ordinary life. She wants fame and beauty. She wants to be extraordinary. After she is injured in a mysterious accident, Sara meets Jonathon Heat, rock star. Heat is the centre of bizarre rumours and intense public adoration. And as Sara becomes ever more drawn into his powerful orbit, it soon becomes clear that Jonathon Heat wants something…
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Melvin Burgess The Lost Witch
Bea has started to hear and see things that no one else can – creatures, voices, visions. Then strangers visit Bea and tell her she is different: she has the rare powers of a witch...