Melanie Joyce (7 kníh)
Melanie Joyce Busy Building Site EN
It's a busy day on the building site. Bruce, Brian and Jack are putting up their scaffolding and looking at plans. What are they going to build? A house? A skyscraper? Find out in this busy town story book.
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Melanie Joyce Busy Firestation EN
It's a busy day at the firestation. Grandma Lizzie is stuck up a tree and Mrs Bun's barbeque is smoking. Firemen Fred and Jim to the rescue!
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Melanie Joyce Busy School EN
It's a busy day at school. It's Cilla's first day and everything's noisy and new. Will she be ok? Find out in this busy town story book.
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Melanie Joyce Busy Shop EN
It's a busy day at the shop. Lotty and Dot are rushed off their feet! Stanley Stubbs needs some plasters and Mrs Skipps is looking for something special. Can they help? Find out in this busy town story book.
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Melanie Joyce Ľúbim ťa, mama
Ľúbim ťa sú dve slovíčka, ktorými v živote tak trocha šetríme. A je to škoda, pretože majú veľkú moc, vedia hriať a uzdravovať. Medvedík je ešte malý, svoju mamičku však ľúbi veľkou medveďou láskou a vôbec sa nehanbí dať jej to najavo...
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Ela Jarzabek, Melanie Joyce Príbehy o zvieratkách
Zoznámte sa s veveričkou, ktorá pátra po svojom oriešku, či s vtáčatkom, ktoré nevie spievať. Alebo sa pridajte k zvieratkám, ktoré si na farme usporiadali športový deň...
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Melanie Joyce Príbehy pre ročné deti
Zababušte sa do periniek a preneste sa s našimi čarovnými príbehmi do farebného, hravého sveta zvieracích mláďat. Zahrajte sa na schovávačku s koalami, príďte aj vy na piknik v tráve a nakoniec poprajte dobrú noc malému lišiačikovi...