Matthew Reilly (33 kníh)
Matthew Reilly Area 7 EN
From the bestselling author of Ice Station, another dizzyingly fast-paced adventure thriller featuring Shane Schofield. It is America's most secret base, hidden deep in the Utah desert, an Air Force installation known only as Area 7. And today it has a visitor: the President of the United States. He has come to inspect Area 7, to examine its secrets for himself. But he's going to get more than he bargained for on…
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Matthew Reilly Contest EN
The New York State Library looms as a silent sanctuary of knowledge: a hundred-year-old labyrinth of towering bookcases, narrow aisles, and spiral staircases. But for Dr Stephen Swain and his eight-year-old daughter Holly it is a place of nightmare. Because, for just one night, this historic building is to become the venue for a horrifying contest, a contest in which Swain must compete, whether he likes it or not.…
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Matthew Reilly Čtyři legendy CZ
Jack spolu s patnácti muži unesenými z tajné základny byli vybráni, aby změřili síly při Velkých hrách. Z klání na život a na smrt vzejde v souladu s pradávným rituálem pouze jediný vítěz, ovšem odmítnout účast nepřipadá v úvahu. V průběhu vražedného boje Jack odhalí záhadné mocnosti stojící v pozadí: čtyři legendární království.
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Matthew Reilly Hell Island EN
Captain Shane Schofi eld and his elite team of marines is about to discover. There is no hell like a man-made one.It is an island that doesn't appear on any maps. A secret location where the government conducts classified experiments. Experiments that have gone terribly wrong... When all contact with the mysterious island is suddenly and inexplicably lost, Captain Shane Schofi eld and four crack Special Forces units…
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Matthew Reilly Hover Car Racer EN
In the world of the near future, people travel everywhere in cars that hover four feet above the ground. This brilliant new technology has brought with it the invention of a new super-fast, super-dangerous, competitive sport...hover car racing. Jason Chaser is a hover car racer, but he and his younger brother have to battle for their places amongst the glamour and wealth of the professional circuit through their…
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Matthew Reilly Ice Station EN
At a remote US ice station in Antarctica, a team of scientists has made an amazing discovery. They found something unbelievable buried deep below the surface - trapped inside a layer of ice 400 million years old. Something made of metal...something which shouldn't be's the discovery of a lifetime, a discovery of immeasurable value. And a discovery men will kill for. Led by the enigmatic Lieutenant Shane…
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Matthew Reilly Ice Station EN
At a remote US ice station in Antarctica, a team of scientists has made an amazing discovery. They have found something unbelievable buried deep below the surface, trapped inside a layer of ice 400 million years old. It's made of metal, and shouldn't be there.
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Matthew Reilly Pekelný ostrov CZ
Kapitán Schofield zvaný Strašák má se svým družstvem přistát na mateřské letadlové lodi Nimitz, s níž velitelství ztratilo kontakt. Krátce po přistání na tým zaútočí nejnovější tajná zbraň vyvíjená na Pekelném ostrově – živé bojové stroje. Jenže Strašák netuší, že tohle je pouze zahřívací kolo a že teprve po něm na ně čeká nepřítel nad nepřítele.
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Matthew Reilly Posvátné kameny CZ
Kdosi na neznámém místě spustil záhadným rituálem odpočítávání, jež končí zánikem života na Zemi. Bývalý voják Jack West se pustí do souboje s časem. Jedinou šancí na záchranu světa je sestavit legendární Stroj a umístit do něj šest posvátných kamenů. Ten, komu se to podaří, zachrání lidstvo, ale také získá nepředstavitelnou moc. Jack s týmem se vydají na misi, která je zavede na nejposvátnější místa starých kultur.…
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Matthew Reilly Scarecrow EN
As 'Scarecrow' Schofield watches his mission to eliminate a Siberian turn into a bloodbath, he realises he has been tricked - and now become the prey rather than the predator. For a shadowy consortium of staggering power and wealth has included his name on a list of fifteen targets to be eliminated without fail by twelve noon that same day. Now every high-powered bounty hunter on the planet is on his trail, while he…
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Matthew Reilly Scarecrow EN
A reissue with new cover and a new format to co-incide with Matt's new blockbuster The Five Greatest Warriors. As 'Scarecrow' Schofield watches his mission to eliminate a Siberian turn into a bloodbath, he realises he has been tricked and now become the prey rather than the predator. For a shadowy consortium of staggering power and wealth has included his name on a list of fifteen targets to be eliminated without…
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Matthew Reilly Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves EN
At an abandoned Soviet base in the Arctic, a battle to save all life on Earth is about to begin...
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Matthew Reilly Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves EN
The action-packed new thriller from Sunday Times bestseller Matthew Reilly. This time the world's on fire! At an abandoned Soviet base in the Arctic, a battle to save all life on Earth is about to begin...THE SECRET BASE It is a top-secret base known only as Dragon Island. A long-forgotten relic of the Cold War, it houses a weapon of terrible destructive force, a weapon that has just been re-activated...AN ARMY OF…
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Matthew Reilly Seven Ancient Wonders EN
It is the biggest treasure hunt in history with contesting nations involved in a headlong race to locate the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 4500 years ago, a magnificent golden capstone sat at the peak of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was a source of immense power, reputedly capable of bestowing upon its holder absolute global power. But then it was divided into seven pieces and hidden, each piece separately,…
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Matthew Reilly Seven Ancient Wonders EN
The bestselling author of Scarecrow and Area 7 takes us on a thrilling, non-stop treasure hunt across the world. It is the biggest treasure hunt in history with contesting nations involved in a headlong race to locate the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. 4500 years ago, a magnificent golden capstone sat at the peak of the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was a source of immense power, reputedly capable of bestowing upon…
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Matthew Reilly Six Sacred Stones EN
After their thrilling exploits in Matthew Reilly’s bestseller Seven Ancient Wonders, super-soldier Jack West and his loyal team of adventurers are back, and now they face an all-but impossible challenge. For a mysterious ceremony in an unknown location has triggered a catastrophic countdown that will climax in the destruction of all life on Earth. But there is one last hope. If Jack’s team can find and rebuild a…
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Matthew Reilly Strašák CZ
Na seznamu lidských cílů nejrozsáhlejšího masakru v dějinách civilizace figuruje patnáct jmen. Jsou mezi nimi příslušníci speciálních jednotek, teroristé i agenti výzvědných služeb. A všichni musí zemřít. Cena za jejich hlavy není malá. Mezi odsouzence, kterí nesmí za žádnou cenu přežít, je zařazen i kapitán námořní pěchoty Shane Schofield přezdívaný Strašák, kterého si vytkl za cíl Černý rytíř, nechvalně proslulý…
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Matthew Reilly Strašák a armáda zlodějů CZ
Na Dračím ostrově se kdysi vyvíjely tajné zbraně. Nyní ho obsadila organizace, která si říká Armáda zlodějů. Má v úmyslu uvést do chodu zařízení, které je schopné zapálit atmosféru. Zabránit jim v tom má jednotka kapitána Shanea Schofielda zvaného Strašák. Jenže lovec lidí Renard, který má Schofielda zabít, na něj číhá právě tam…
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Matthew Reilly Střežená zóna CZ
Číňané objevili dračí vejce miliony let ukrytá pod zemí. Tajně začnou budovat hypermoderní dračí ZOO a těsně před otevřením sezvou zahraniční vědce inovináře. Ti mají ohromující úspěch zvěstovat celému světu. Skupinka cizinců však zjistí, že dračí safari není tak bezpečné, jak ho čínská vláda chceprezentovat. Pak se rozpoutá peklo…
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Matthew Reilly Temple EN
Deep in the jungles of Peru the contest of the century is underway. It's a race to locate a legendary Incan idol - one carved out of a strange kind of stone. But a stone which in the present century could be used for a terrifying new purpose. Now rival groups are assembling their teams to hunt the idol down, at any cost. The only clue to the idol's final resting place is to be found in a 400-year-old manuscript.…
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Matthew Reilly Temple EN
Deep in the jungles of Peru the contest of the century is underway. It's a race to locate a legendary Incan idol - one carved out of a strange kind of stone. But a stone which in the present century could be used for a terrifying new purpose. Now rival groups are assembling their teams to hunt the idol down, at any cost. The only clue to the idol's final resting place is to be found in a 400-year-old manuscript.…