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Marshall Goldsmith (12 kníh)

  • Marshall Goldsmith Buďte tím, kým chcete být

    Při hledání odpovědí na otázky, co ovlivňuje naše chování se autor zaměřil na tzv. spouštěče v našem okolí. Jejich vliv je obrovský. Spouštěčem může být libovolný podnět, který působí na naše myšlenky a činy. V každém...

  • Sally Helgesen, Marshall Goldsmith How Women Rise

    Do you hesitate about putting forward ideas? Are you reluctant to claim credit for your achievements? Do you find it difficult to get the support you need from your boss or the recognition you deserve from your colleagues? ...

  • Marshall Goldsmith, Sally Helgesen How Women Rise

    Do you hesitate about putting forward ideas? Are you reluctant to claim credit for your achievements? Do you find it difficult to get the support you need from your boss or the recognition you deserve from your colleagues? ...

  • Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter Jak se dostat do vyššího levelu CZ

    Goldsmithova kniha je přínosem pro každého, kdo se chce „dostat do dalšího levelu“. Pomůže vám odhalit zlozvyky, které vás brzdí v tom, abyste se posunuli dál, a poradí vám, jak tyto špatné návyky napravit. Autor knihy působí jako kouč a pomáhá těm nejúspěšnějším manažerům, aby byli ještě lepší. Odhalte, který z jednadvaceti pracovních zlozvyků vám brání v cestě, a zjistěte: - jak dosáhnout změny k lepšímu, aby…

  • Marshall Goldsmith Mojo CZ

    Mojo je synonymem pro seberealizaci. Je to pozitivní přístup ke všemu, čím se právě zabýváme. Vychází zevnitř a vyzařuje navenek. Marshall Goldsmith je světově uznávaný kouč vrcholových manažerů. Ve své poslední knize popisuje čtrnáct praktických nástrojů, které vám pomohou dosáhnout naplnění a spokojenosti nejen v byznysu, ale i v osobním životě. Vlije vám novou krev do žil. Zjistěte: - které faktory jsou pro…

  • Marshall Goldsmith Mojo EN

    This is vital in any competitive arena, whether business, sport or politics. Goldsmith draws on new research, as well as his extensive experience with corporate teams and top executives, to provide compelling case studies throughout. Readers will learn the 26 powers that are within us all and will come away with a new, hyper-effective technique to define, track and ensure future success for themselves and their…

  • Mark Reiter, Marshall Goldsmith Triggers EN

    In business, the right behaviours matter. But getting it right is tricky. Even when we acknowledge the need to change what we do and how we do it, life has a habit of getting in the way, upsetting even the best-laid plans. And just how do we manage those situations that can provoke even the most rational among us into behaving in ways we would rather forget? Triggers confronts head-on the challenges of behaviour and…

  • Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter Triggers EN

    The #1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller from the acclaimed author of What Got You Here Won't Get You There and Mojo. In business - as in life - the right behaviours matter. But getting it right is tricky. Even when we acknowledge the need to change what we do and how we do it, life has a habit of getting in the way, upsetting even the best-laid plans. And just how do we manage those situations that…

  • Marshall Goldsmith, Mark Reiter Triggers EN

    In his powerful new book, bestselling author and world-renowned executive coach Marshall Goldsmith examines the environmental and psychological triggers that can derail us at work and in life. Do you ever find that you are not the patient, compassionate problem solver you believe yourself to be? Are you surprised at how irritated or flustered the normally unflappable you becomes in the presence of a specific…

  • Marshall Goldsmith What Got You Here Won't Get You There EN

    Whether you are near the top of the ladder or still have a ways to climb, this book serves as an essential guide to help you eliminate your dysfunctions and move to where you want to go. Marshall Goldsmith is an expert at helping global leaders overcome their sometimes unconscious annoying habits and attain a higher level of success. His one-on-one coaching comes with a six-figure price tag. But, in this book, you…

  • Marshall Goldsmith What Got You Here Won't Get You There

    Your hard work is paying off. You are doing well in your field. But there is something standing between you and the next level of achievement. That something may just be one of your own annoying habits. Perhaps one small flaw ...
