Mark Waid (16 kníh)
Mark Waid, James Robinson Amazing Spider-Man: Rodinný podnik CZ
Petr Parker – kterého kousnul radioaktivní pavouk – získal Velkou Moc, ale nejdřív se musel naučit, že s tím přichází i Velká Zodpovědnost. Tahle lekce se stala součástí jeho osobnosti a po celých padesát let byla základem všech skvělých Spideyho příběhů. Takže, jak udržet tyhle příběhy stále nové a svěží? Jak najít pro Petra novou odpovědnost? Co nás přinutí zas a znova napjatě otáčet na další stránky? Je nějaký…
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Veronica Fish, Mark Waid Archie (Volume 3)
The all-new ARCHIE adventure continues! Superstar writer Mark Waid teams up with the best and brightest artists in comics to bring a modern take to the legendary Riverdale cast of characters. The book will captures the bite and hilarious edge ...
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Al Ewing, Jim Zub, Mark Waid Avengers
The team that brought you AVENGERS: NO SURRENDER re-unite for an all-new weekly AVENGERS adventure! Night has fallen across the universe. Now seven Avengers - and one new addition - journey forth to bring back the light. But when the threat they...
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Mark Waid, Chris Samnee Black Widow (Volume 2) EN
Now that Natasha knows the Weeping Lion's secret, she's in control of his very particular skills. Natasha plans to use him to destroy the Red Room's reincarnation, the DARK ROOM. But she'll have to face RECLUSE, daughter of the Red Room's headmistress, who's fixated on killing Natasha to prove her worth.
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Gerry Duggan, Brian Posehn, Fabian Nicieza, Mark Waid Deadpool (Book 3) EN
The magical day has arrived: Deadpool and succubus queen Shiklah tie the knot! But when Deadpool and his bride honeymoon in Japan, will married life agree with our mouthy merc? Or will he start doing the take my wife, please joke all the time? Meanwhile, Agent Preston makes a surprising discovery: Deadpool has a daughter! And there's more to her life than meets the eye! But Deadpool is up to his neck fighting…
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Joe Kelly, Fabian Nicieza, Mark Waid, Rob Liefeld Deadpool Classic (Volume 1) EN
Deadpool, with sidekick Weasel in tow, sets out on a quest for romance, money, and mayhem - not necessarily in that order - only to learn he's being hunted by an enemy he killed years before! As if that isn't enough, the Juggernaut crashes into the action, and it's the unstoppable vs. the un-shut-up-able!
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Rob Liefeld, Fabian Nicieza, Mark Waid Deadpool Firsts EN
He's your number one, and these are his #1s! (Plus some other weird numbers.) Deadpool's dazzling debut steals the New Mutants' spotlight, leading to his very first limited series. Then brace yourself as the degenerate regenerates into nine new titles! The ever social sociopath gives top billing to his bro Cable, teams up with a demigod and even hangs with his own zombified head, before assembling a whole Corps of…
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Mark Waid, Gardner Fox, Howard Porter, Dan Johnson JLA - Babylonská věž
Batmanovy tajné soubory týkající se Ligy spravedlnosti padly do rukou jeho nejstaršího a nejnebezpečnějšího protivníka – Ra’s Al Ghula! Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, Plastic Man a Flash padají do pastí navržených tak, aby neutralizovaly jejich pozoruhodné schopnosti. Může to JLA přežít? A pokud ano, dokážou její členové někdy Batmanovi odpustit, že měl v této zradě prsty?…
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Barry Kitson, Mark Waid, Brian Augustyn JLA: Year One EN
The definitive tale of the JLA's formation is back in a new deluxe hardcover of the epic tale starring The Flash, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter and Aquaman! Learn how the five founding members of the JLA pulled together as a team, earning the respect of the public and defeating foes like Vandal Savage, scientist T.O. Morrow and the Brotherhood of Evil! Collects JLA: YEAR ONE #1-12, with sketches and…
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Mark Waid, Andy Kubert Ka-Zar EN
Ka-Zar, lord of the hidden jungle, is many things. A British nobleman. A man lost in time. A husband. A father. Best friend of a saber-toothed tiger. And younger brother to an incredibly evil man. When the father of Parnival and Kevin Plunder died, he left his sons the very keys to the mysteries of the Savage Land, and Parnival has decided to take the secrets for himself! See Ka-Zar fight for honor and family in the…
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Alex Ross, Mark Waid Kingdom Come
Written by Mark Waid Art and cover by Alex Ross Eisner Award-winning artist Alex Ross provides an amazing new cover painting for this new edition of Kingdom Come, which features a deluxe foldout cover only on its first printing! ...
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Mark Waid, Alex Ross Kingdom Come
After a cataclysmic event costs the lives of millions, the Justice League-led by a rejuvenated Superman-returns to bring balance back to the world. However, the new guard will not go down quietly. A battle is coming between ...
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Mark Waid, Alex Ross Království tvé CZ
Geniální malíř Alex Ross už své kvality českým čtenářům předvedl - podle scénáře Kurta Busieka vylíčil prostřednictvím svých fotorealistických kreseb dějiny nakladatelství Marvel. V knize Království tvénaopak obrací pohled vpřed a pod vedením Marka Waida spřádá temný epos o budoucnosti přelidněné novými a prakticky nezvladatelnými superhrdiny. Jak daleko až může dojít konflikt nových a starých superhrdinů... a…
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Mark Waid, Terry Dodson Star Wars: Princess Leia EN
When Princess Leia Organa was captured by the Empire, she never betrayed her convictions - even after the complete destruction of her home world, Alderaan. When her rescue came, Leia grabbed a blaster and joined the fight, escaping back to the Rebel Alliance and helping strike the biggest blow against the Empire - the destruction of the Death Star! But in the aftermath of that victory, the question remains... what…
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Warren Ellis, William Messner-Loebs, Mark Waid Thor: Worldengine
A truly explosive era for Thor! Visionary writer Warren Ellis and superstar artist Mike Deodato Jr. unite to change everything for the Thunder God. Forsaken by his father, left mortal in Manhattan, death is coming for Thor - and Ragnarok may not ..
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Scott Lobdell, Mark Waid X-Men Legionquest
The epic story that ushered in the Age of Apocalypse! Legion's once-shattered psyche is finally united, with a singular purpose - to make up for all the misery he has visited on his father, Charles Xavier. And to do it, he plans to make Xavier's ...