Mark Mazower (5 kníh)
Mark Mazower Gowerning the World EN
From the acclaimed, award-winning author of Dark Continent and Hitler's Empire, comes a visionary, far-reaching history of two centuries of international government that also goes to the heart of current world crises. In 1815 the shocked and exhausted victors of the decades of fighting that had engulfed Europe for a generation agreed to a new system for keeping the peace. Instead of independent states changing sides…
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Mark Mazower Hitlerova říše CZ
Hitlerova říše představovala nejambicióznější pokus o přetvoření evropského kontinentu. Německo usilovalo stát se nejmocnějším státem Evropy a nutilo všechny ostatní, aby uznali jeho nadřazenost. Budoucnost měla spočívat v novém řádu, založeném na vykořenění, přesídlení a vyhlazení milionů lidí.
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Mark Mazower The Balkans EN
A dazzling short history of the Balkans from the Romans to the present, which provides vital historical and cultural background to contemporary Balkan politics. At the end of the twentieth century people spoke as if the Balkans had plagued Europe for ever. But two hundred years earlier, the Balkans did not exist. It was not the Balkans but the 'Rumeli' that the Ottomans ruled, the formerly Roman lands they had…
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Mark Mazower What You Did Not Tell
Uncovering his family's remarkable and moving stories, Mark Mazower recounts the sacrifices and silences that marked a generation and their descendants. It was a family that...
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Mark Mazower What You Did Not Tell
Uncovering his family's remarkable and moving stories, Mark Mazower recounts the sacrifices and silences that marked a generation and their descendants. It was a family that...