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Mark Lawrence (32 kníh)

  • Mark Lawrence Bratři na cestách

    Fascinující sbírka čtrnácti povídek o vraždách, masakrech, pathosu i filozofii zasazených do světa Roztříštěné říše. V knize najdete příběhy mužů, jakými jsou Rudý Hrabě, sir Makin, Rike, Burlow a Nůbánec, vyprávějící o svém původu a událostech, které...

  • Mark Lawrence Bratři na cestách

    Kniha povídek od věhlasného autora série o ROZTŘÍŠTĚNÉ ŘÍŠI Marka Lawrence Fascinující sbírka čtrnácti povídek o vraždách, masakrech, parhosu i filozofii zasazených do světa Roztříštěné říše. Na stránkách knihy...

  • Mark Lawrence Červená sestra

    Narodila jsem se, abych zabíjela - bohové mě stvořili ke zkáze Klášter Sladké Milosti vychovává z dívek zabijáky. V hrstce z nich se projeví stará krev, která jim propůjčuje schopnosti, jež jsou od dob, co u břehů Abethu přistály čtyři kmeny, zřídka...

  • Mark Lawrence Červená sestra

    Klášter Sladké Milosti vychovává z dívek zabijáky. V hrstce z nich se projeví stará krev, která jim propůjčuje schopnosti, jež jsou od dob, co u břehů Abethu přistály čtyři kmeny, zřídka k vidění. Sladká Milost brousí...

  • Mark Lawrence Emperor of Thorns EN

    Lawrence brings his highly acclaimed epic fantasy series - The Broken Empire - to its devastating conclusion. The path to the throne is broken - only the broken can walk it The world is cracked and time has run through, leaving us clutching at the end days. These are the days that have waited for us all our lives. These are my days. I will stand before the Hundred and they will listen. I will take the throne no…

  • Mark Lawrence Emperor of Thorns EN

    King Jorg Ancrath is twenty now - and king of seven nations. His goal - revenge against his father - has not yet been realized, and the demons that haunt him have only grown stronger. Yet no matter how tortured his path, he intends to take the next step in his upward climb. For there is only one power worth wielding... absolute power. Jorg would be emperor. It is a position not to be gained by the sword but rather…

  • Mark Lawrence Grey Sister

    Second novel in the brilliant new series from the bestselling author of Prince of Thorns. In Mystic Class Nona Grey begins to learn the secrets of the universe. But so often, knowing the truth just makes our choices harder....

  • Mark Lawrence Holy Sister

    Nona Grey's story reaches its shattering conclusion in the third instalment of Book of the Ancestor. They Came Against her as a Child. Now they face the Woman...

  • Mark Lawrence King of Thorns EN

    The second book in the Broken Empire series, Lawrence takes his young anti-hero one step closer to his grand ambition. To reach greatness you must step on bodies, and many brothers lie trodden in my wake. I've walked from pawn to player and I'll win this game of ours, though the cost of it may drown the world in blood...The land burns with the fires of a hundred battles as lords and petty kings fight for the Broken…

  • Mark Lawrence Lhářův klíč CZ

    Po děsivém dobrodružství, kdy jen o vlásek unikli smrti, princ Jalan Kendeth a vikinský válečník Snorri ver Snagason získají Lokiho klíč, pradávný artefakt schopný odemknout jakékoliv dveře. Zatímco Jal touží po návratu do domoviny, kde by pokračoval v marnotratném životě, Snorri chce najít bránu do smrti, otevřít ji dokořán a přivést svou rodinu zpátky do světa živých. Jelikož Lokiho klíč padne nejen do magických…

  • Mark Lawrence Lhářův klíč

    Po děsivém dobrodružství, kdy jen o vlásek unikli smrti, princ Jalan Kendeth a vikinský válečník Snorri ver Snagason získají Lokiho klíč, pradávný artefakt schopný odemknout jakékoliv dveře. Zatímco Jal touží po návratu do...

  • Mark Lawrence Osheimské kolo

    V epické fantasy Marka Lawrence se bojácný princ navrací z útrob samotného Pekla, aby svedl největší bitvu svého života – lítý boj, v němž proti sobě stanou živí a mrtví. Mezi Snorrim ver Snagasonem a záchranou jeho rodiny...

  • Mark Lawrence Princ bláznů CZ

    Červená královna je stará, ale králové Roztříštěné říše se jí bojí víc, než kohokoliv jiného. Po celou dobu své dlouhé vlády bojovala ve vleklé válce za vyšší cíle, než jsou půda či zlato. Její největší zbraní je tajuplná Tichá sestra. Ta zůstává skryta zrakům většiny lidí, a ti, co ji spatřili, o ní nemluví. Vnuk Červené královny, princ Jalan Kendeth - zbabělec, hazardní hráč a nenapravitelný svůdce žen - Tichou…

  • Mark Lawrence Princ bláznů

    Červená královna je stará, ale králové Roztříštěné říše se jí bojí víc, než kohokoliv jiného. Po celou dobu své dlouhé vlády bojovala ve vleklé válce za vyšší cíle, než jsou půda či zlato. Její největší zbraní je...

  • Mark Lawrence Prince of Fools EN

    The Red Queen is old but the kings of the Broken Empire fear her as they fear no other. Her grandson Jalan Kendeth is a coward, a cheat and a womaniser; and tenth in line to the throne. While his grandmother shapes the destiny of millions, Prince Jalan pursues his debauched pleasures. Until he gets entangled with Snorri ver Snagason, a huge Norse axe man, and dragged against his will to the icy north. In a journey…

  • Mark Lawrence Prince of Fools

    From the critically acclaimed author of The Broken Empire series comes a brilliant new epic fantasy series, The Red Queen’s War. I’m a liar and a cheat and a coward, but I will never, ever, let a friend down. Unless of course not letting ...

  • Mark Lawrence Prince of Throns EN

    From the publisher that brought you Game of Thrones! Prince of Thorns is the first volume in a powerful new epic fantasy trilogy, original, absorbing and challenging. Before the thorns taught me their sharp lessons and bled weakness from me I had but one brother, and I loved him well. But those days are gone and what is left of them lies in my mother's tomb. Now I have many brothers, quick with knife and sword, and…

  • Mark Lawrence Red Sister EN

    t's not until you're broken that you find your sharpest edgeA brilliant new series from the bestselling author of PRINCE OF THORNS. I was born for killing – the gods made me to ruinAt the Convent of Sweet Mercy young girls are raised to be killers. In a few the old bloods show, gifting talents rarely seen since the tribes beached their ships on Abeth. Sweet Mercy hones its novices' skills to deadly effect: it takes…

  • Mark Lawrence Red Sister

    At the Convent of Sweet Mercy young girls are raised to be killers. In a few the old bloods show, gifting talents rarely seen since the tribes beached their ships on Abeth. Sweet Mercy hones its novices' skills to deadly effect: it takes ten years to ...

  • Mark Lawrence Road Brothers

    This is a collection of fourteen stories of murder, mayhem, pathos, and philosophy, all set in the world of the Broken Empire. Within these pages, you will find tales of men such as Red Kent, Sir Makin, Rike, Burlow and the Nuban, telling of their origins and the events that forged them. There is Jorg himself, striding the page as a child of six, as a teenage wanderer and as a young king. And then there is a tale…

  • Mark Lawrence The Liar's Key EN

    From the critically-acclaimed author of Prince of Fools comes the second volume of the brilliant new epic fantasy series, The Red Queen's War. 'If you like dark you will love Mark Lawrence. And when the light breaks through and it all makes sense, the contrast is gorgeous' Robin Hobb The Red Queen has set her players on the board... Winter is keeping Prince Jalan Kendeth far from the luxuries of his southern palace.…

  • Mark Lawrence The Liar's Key EN

    The Red Queen has set her players on the board. Winter is keeping Prince Jalan Kendeth far from the longed-for luxuries of his southern palace. And although the North may be home to his companion, the warrior Snorri ver Snagason, he is just as eager to leave. For the Viking is ready to challenge all of Hel to bring his wife and children back into the living world. He has Loki’s key – now all he needs is to find the…

  • Mark Lawrence The Wheel of Osheim EN

    From the critically-acclaimed author of Prince of Fools comes the third volume of the brilliant new epic fantasy series, The Red Queen's War. All the horrors of Hell stand between Snorri Ver Snagason and the rescue of his family, if indeed the dead can be rescued.For Jalan Kendeth getting out alive and with Loki's Key is all that matters. The key can open any lock and possession of it may enable Jal to to return to…
