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Mark Kurlansky (4 knihy)

  • Mark Kurlansky 1968

    Kniha Marka Kurlanskeho prináša zaujímavý a netradičný pohľad na dianie v roku 1968, v roku, ktorý považuje autor za jedinečný vďaka spontánnemu duchu rebélie a protestu rozšírenému po celom svete. Autor v chronologickej postupnosti od januára do decembra postupne prechádza dôležité udalosti roku 1968 a usiluje sa o analýzu niektorých z nich (napr. Pražská jar, vojenský konflikt v Biafre, hnutie za práva…

  • Mark Kurlansky 1968: The Year that Rocked the World

    It was the year of sex and drugs and rock and roll. But what impact did it have on today's political and social landscape? It was also the year of the Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy assassinations, the Prague Spring, the Chicago convention...

  • Mark Kurlansky Milk!

    Mark Kurlansky's first global food history since the bestselling Cod and Salt; the fascinating cultural, economic, and culinary story of milk and all things dairy—with recipes throughout....

  • Mark Kurlansky Salt EN

    Homer called it a divine substance. Plato described it as especially dear to the gods. As Mark Kurlansky so brilliantly relates here, salt has shaped civilisation from the beginning, and its story is a glittering, often surprising part of the history of mankind. Wars have been fought over salt and, while salt taxes secured empires across Europe and Asia, they have also inspired revolution - Gandhi's salt march in…
