Marian Keyes (54 kníh)
Marian Keyes Angels EN
Unlike the rest of her family, Maggie Walsh has always done everything right. At thirty-three she has a proper job, is happily married to Gavn and never puts a foot wrong. So why does she make a bolt for Hollywood and her best friend, Emily? In the City of Angels, Maggie gets to do things she´s never done before: mixing with film stars, pitching scripts, partying non-stop. But is this really a once-in-a-lifetime…
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Marian Keyes Angels EN
I'd always lived a fairly blameless life … up until the day I left my husband and ran away to Hollywood ...Unlike the rest of her family, Maggie Walsh has always done everything right. At thirty-three she has a proper job, is happily married to Garv and never puts a foot wrong. So why does she make a bolt for Hollywood and her best friend, Emily? In the City of Angels, Maggie gets to do things she's never done…
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Marian Keyes Angels EN
I'd always lived a fairly blameless life. Up until the day I left my husband and ran away to Hollywood . . . Unlike the rest of her family, Maggie Walsh has always done everything right. At thirty-three she has a proper job, is happily married to Garv and never puts a foot wrong. So why does she make a bolt for Hollywood and her best friend, Emily? In the City of Angels, Maggie gets to do things she's never done…
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Marian Keyes Angels EN
Marian Keyes' sixth novel is a truly captivating story about a marriage that's gone wrong and a sensible girl who suddenly just wants to let her hair down. 'We will shortly be landing at Los Angeles International Airport. Please ensure your seat is in the upright position, that you weigh less than a hundred pounds and that you have excellent teeth'. Maggie Walsh has always done everything right. Sensibly. By the…
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Marian Keyes Angels
One day Maggie Walsh walks out on her husband of nine years and runs away to Hollywood. There she joins her best friend Emily, who is busily pitching scripts to studios, mixing with movie stars and generally living the heck out of the dream...
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Marian Keyes Anjeli z Los Angeles
Voľné pokračovanie príbehov sestier Walshových tentoraz rozpráva o Maggie. Maggie je na rozdiel od Rachel z knihy Prázdniny pre Rachel a Claire z Melóna naopak vyrovnaná a úspešná, dalo by sa povedať „biela ovca rodiny Walshovcov. Vydala za slušného človeka, pracuje v úspešnej firme... Ibaže zrazu zistí, že ju manžel podvádza a šéfka jej už chystá výpoveď. Z usporiadaného života v bezpečí rodinného krbu zostanú iba…
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Marian Keyes Anybody Out There EN
Anna Walsh is officially a wreck. She's covered in bandages and she's lying in her parents' Good Front Room dreaming of leaving Dublin and getting back to New York, to her friends, to the most fabulous job in the world - and most of all, back to her husband, Aiden. But her family have other ideas. And, Aiden seems unwilling to get in touch.
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Marian Keyes Anybody Out There EN
Anna Walsh is officially a wreck. She's covered in bandages and she's lying in her parents' Good Front Room dreaming of leaving Dublin and getting back to New York. To her friends. To the Most Fabulous Job in the World. And most of all back to Aiden. But her family have other ideas. And Aiden, for some reason, seems unwilling to get in touch. What happend to send Anna so far from all that she loves? And is Aiden…
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Marian Keyes Anybody Out There? EN
'I had to go back to New York and try to find him. There was a chance he mightn't be there but I had to give it a go because there was one thing I was certain of: he wasn't here.' Anna Walsh is officially a wreck. She's covered in bandages and she's lying in her parents' Good Front Room dreaming of leaving Dublin and getting back to New York, to her friends, to the most fabulous job in the world(t) - and most of all…
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Marian Keyes Further Under the Duvet EN
Slide Further Under the Duvet, get yourself comfortable and let Marian take you places you've never been before. Places like the Irish air-guitar championships, a shopping trip to Bloomingdales with a difference and Cannes with a chronic case of Villa-itis. Along the way you'll encounter knicker-politics, fake tans, sticky-out ears and passionate love affairs both with make-up and Toblerones. And of course, agony…
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Marian Keyes Further Under the Duvet EN
Let's get one thing straight: I'm not an outdoorsy type. If I was offered the choice between white-water rafting and being savaged by a rabid dog, I'd be likely to tick the box marked dog. Slide further under the duvet with this second collection of Marian Keyes' unputdownable and utterly delectable journalism. It's the next best thing you could be doing in bed... and it's guaranteed not to let you down!
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Marian Keyes Idol žen CZ
Příběhy čtyř hrdinek, které se vzájemně prolínají a postupně nám odhalují, co je spojuje dohromady. Jakkoli se autorka románu nevyhýbá bolestnému tématu domácího násilí a alkoholismu, najdeme v něm i spoustu humoru, především na stránkách deníku Loly, která bojuje se šokem, když se doví z novin, že její milenec Paddy se zasnoubil s Alicií. Prostřednictvím příběhu novinářky Grace poznáváme zákoutí milostného vztahu,…
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Marian Keyes Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married
Lucy Sullivan's been told she is getting married... but to who? She doesn't even have a boyfriend yet...
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Marian Keyes Maggie Ve La Luz ES
Me llamo Maggie, tengo treinta y tres aňos y llevo nueve casada con Garv ( le llamo así, pero no es su nombre). Siempre he sido la buena de mi familia, la sensata, no como mis hermanas. Sobre ellas se podrían escribir novelas enteras, pero este no es el lugar. Garv fue mi primer novio y mi madre siempre se lo va contando a todo el mundo, que Maggie no era una de esas que salen cada noche con otro chico, y cosas por…
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Marian Keyes Making It Up as I Go Along EN
Welcome to the magnificent Making It Up as I Go Along - aka the World According to Marian Keyes™ - A bold, brilliant book bursting with Marian's hilarious and heartfelt observations on modern life, love and much, much else besides. Such as? you are determined to ask. Well, how about her guide to breaking up with your hairdresser? Or the warning she has for us all after a particularly traumatic fling with fake tan.…
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Marian Keyes Making It Up as I Go Along EN
Welcome to the magnificent Making It Up as I Go Along – aka the World According to Marian Keyes - a bold, brilliant book bursting with Marian's hilarious and heartfelt observations on modern life, love and much, much else besides. Such as? you are determined to ask.Well, how about her guide to breaking up with your hairdresser?Or the warning she has for us all after a particularly traumatic fling with fake tan?There…
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Marian Keyes Melón
Claire žije v presvedčení, že jej milovaný manžel James je mužom jej života, a s láskou očakáva okamih, keď mu bude môcť ukázať ich prvorodenú dcéru. Až kým jej dve hodiny po pôrode drahý James neoznámi, že ju opúšťa, lebo sa zamiloval do susedky, ktorá je od nej navyše o pár rokov staršia. Claire je v šoku. Mal to byť predsa najkrajší deň ich spoločného života. Vráti sa domov k excentrickej rodine a postupne si…
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Marian Keyes Návraty CZ
Musela jsem se vrátit do New Yorku, abych ho zkusila najít. Jistěže tam být nemusel, ale za pokus to stálo, protože jednou věcí jsem si byla naprosto jistá: tady prostě nebyl. Anna Walshová má takzvaně papíry na to, že je troska. Fyzicky na dně, citově vyhaslá polehává na kanapi u rodičů v Dublinu a hlavou se jí honí jediná myšlenka: jak se dostane zpátky do New Yorku. Tohle město pro ni představuje nejlepší…
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Marian Keyes Nejjasnější hvězda na obloze CZ
V jednom obyčejném domě uprostřed Dublinu se zničehonic usídlí jakási tajemná bytost, která dokáže vyčíst myšlenky i vzpomínky, bez problémů prochází zdmi, umí podle záchvěvů srdce odhadnout, jaké emoce lidé prožívají a jestli jsou ve vztahu naladěni na podobnou frekvenci. Pro normální smrtelníky je sice neviditelná, nicméně někteří citlivější jedinci jsou schopni ve chvílích, kdy se k nim dostane opravdu blízko,…
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Marian Keyes Other Side of the Story EN
The agent: Jojo, a highflying literary agent on the up, has just made a very bad career move: she's jumped into bed with her married boss Mark ... The bestseller: Jojo's sweet-natured client Lily's first novel is a roaring success. She and lover Anton celebrate by spending the advance for her second book. Then she gets writer's block ... The unknown: Gemma used to be Lily's best friend - until Lily 'stole' Anton.…