Margaret O'Keefe (2 knihy)
Margaret O'Keefe Business Partner A2+ Coursebook
Nejnovější kurz pro výuku business angličtiny, který vznikl ve spolupráci s autory The Financial Times. Studenty seznamuje s reálným jazykem obchodního světa, pomáhá jim zlepšit jejich obchodní dovednosti a komunikaci...
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Iwona Dubicka, Margaret O'Keefe Lifestyle - Intermediate EN
Lifestyle is designed to meet the everyday language requirements of people who need English for work, travel and socializing. As well as dealing with how people communicate at work, it also helps learners interact effectively outside of the work environment, enabling them to ‘get things done’ in a variety of situations. Informed by speech act research, conversational analysis and intercultural research, Lifestyle…