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Marcel Paquet (3 knihy)

  • Marcel Paquet Magritte EN

    It is impossible to overlook the influence of René Magritte (1898 - 1967) on contemporary art. His surrealistic painting turns the usual order of things ironically on its head, thus restoring mystery to a world that has lost its magic. His work typically conveys a sense of the amazing, the surprising, and the ridiculous - but also the unsettling. Without a specific message, Magritte's paintings nonetheless speak to…

  • Marcel Paquet Magritte EN

       René Magritte (1898-1967)  začal svoju dráhu umelca pod vplyvom dadaizmu, aby sa dokonale našiel v surrrealizme. Veľmi silno na neho zapôsobili koláže M. Ernsta, ale od r. 1926 sa venoval len maľbe. Bola veľmi precízna, používal naturalistickú techniku, banálnu farebnosť so silným emotívnym pôsobením. Často využíval skrytú iróniu, magickosť, ktoré vyvolávali pocity pobavenia a prekvapenia. Na základe asociácii a…

  • Marcel Paquet Magritte EN

    This is not a book: Everyday enigma from Belgium's leading Surrealist From men in bowler hats, floating in the sky, to a painting of a pipe above the caption this is not a pipe,Rene Magritte (1898 1967)created an echo-chamber of object and image, name and thing, reality and representation. Like other Surrealist works, Magritte's paintings combine a precise, mimetic technique with abnormal, alienating configurations…
