Louis de Bernières (10 kníh)
Louis de Bernières Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Contemporary / British English. This is a great love story set in the tragedy of war. It is 1941. The Italian officer, Captain Corelli, falls in love with Pelagia, a young Greek girl. But Pelegia’s fiancé is fighting the Italian army...
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Louis de Bernières Captain Corelli's Mandolin
Contemporary / British English. This is a great love story set in the tragedy of war. It is 1941. The Italian officer, Captain Corelli, falls in love with Pelagia, a young Greek girl. But Pelegia’s fiancé is fighting the Italian army...
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Louis de Bernières Labels and Other Stories
Louis de Bernieres is one of our most treasured writers and these stories show his imaginative range and unique storytelling power. The collection includes 'Gunter Weber's Confession' which revisits characters from Captain Corelli...
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Louis de Bernières Mandolína kapitána Corelliho
Neobyčejně vtipný, ale zároveň hluboce tragický příběh o lásce, cti a pomstě V roce 1941 idylický řecký ostrov Kefallénie okupovali Italové. Mezi nimi je i kapitán Antonio Corelli, člověk kultivovaný a vtipný, navíc skvělý...
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Louis de Bernières Prach, čo padá zo snov + Toľko života
Kolekcia dvoch na seba naväzujúcich románov z pera Louisa de Bernières...
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Louis de Bernières Prach, který se snáší ze snů
Velkolepý román o lásce a válce od autora Mandolíny kapitána Corelliho Na začátku dvacátého století vyrůstá Rosie McCoshová se svými třemi sestrami v idylické domácnosti v Kentu. Čas nevinnosti a dětských her ovšem přeruší...
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Louis de Bernières So Much Life Left Over
At the dawn of the 1920s, Rosie and Daniel move to Ceylon with their small daughter to start a new life, attempting to put the trauma of the First World War – and its effects on their marriage – behind them...
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Louis de Bernières So Much Life Left Over
Rosie and Daniel have moved to Ceylon with their little daughter to start a new life at the dawn of the 1920s, attempting to put the trauma of the First World War behind them, and to rekindle a marriage that gets colder every day. However, even in the lus
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Louis de Bernières The Cat in the Treble Clef
A beautiful collection of poems from bestselling author Louis de Bernieres. From the very start of his writing career Louis de Bernieres has loved poetry. Here the author of the much-loved Captain Corelli's Mandolin returns to this...
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Louis de Bernières Toľko života
Najnovšia kniha Louisa de Berniéra je voľným pokračovaním románu Prach, čo padá zo snov, o osudoch detí spriatelených rodín McCoshovcov a Pittovcov z anglického vidieka. Začiatkom dvadsiatych rokov 20. storočia...