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Lauren DeStefano (15 kníh)

  • Lauren DeStefano Broken Crowns EN

    The city is falling out of the sky… Morgan always thought it was just a saying. A metaphor. The words of the dying. But as they look up at the floating island that was their home, Pen and Morgan make a horrible discovery – Internment is sinking.And it’s all Morgan’s fault. Corrupted from the inside by one terrible king and assailed from the outside for precious resources by another, Internment could be destroyed…

  • Lauren DeStefano Burning Kingdoms EN

    Danger descends in the second book of The Internment Chronicles, from the New York Times bestselling author of The Chemical Garden trilogy. After escaping the city of Internment, Morgan and her fellow fugitives land on the ground to finally learn about the world beneath their floating island home. The ground is a strange place where water falls from the sky as snow, and people watch moving pictures and visit…

  • Lauren DeStefano Fever EN

    For 17-year-old Rhine Ellery, a daring escape from a suffocating polygamous marriage is only the beginning... Running away brings Rhine and Gabriel right into a trap, in the form of a twisted carnival whose ringmistress keeps watch over a menagerie of girls. Just as Rhine uncovers what plans await her, her fortune turns again. With Gabriel at her side, Rhine travels through an environment as grim as the one she…

  • Lauren DeStefano Perfect Ruin EN

    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Chemical Garden trilogy: On the floating city of Internment, you can be anything you dream. Unless you approach the edge. Morgan Stockhour knows getting too close to the edge of Internment, the floating city in the clouds where she lives, can lead to madness. Even though her older brother, Lex, was a Jumper, Morgan vows never to end up like him. If she ever wonders…

  • Lauren DeStefano Sever EN

    The third and final novel in Lauren DeStefano's breathtaking dystopian romance series, The Chemical Garden Trilogy Time is running out for Rhine. With less than three years left until the virus claims her life, Rhine is desperate for answers. Having escaped torment at Vaughn's mansion, she finds respite in the dilapidated home of her husband's uncle, an eccentric inventor who hates Vaughn almost as much as Rhine…

  • Lauren DeStefano Sever EN

    The third and final novel in Lauren DeStefano's breathtaking dystopian romance series, The Chemical Garden Trilogy Time is running out for Rhine. With less than three years left until the virus claims her life, Rhine is desperate for answers. Having escaped torment at Vaughn's mansion, she finds respite in the dilapidated home of her husband's uncle, an eccentric inventor who hates Vaughn almost as much as Rhine…

  • Lauren DeStefano Smaragdové srdce

    Willhelmina, jediná dcera krále vládnoucímu Arrodu, nejbohatšímu království na světe, vyrůstá v utajení. Král, jenž touží ovládnout celý svět, ji skrývá, aby ji mohl využívat pro své tajné záměry. Will však touží prozkoumat země, jež leží za hranicemi...

  • Lauren DeStefano Wither EN

    A stunning debut YA novel, destined to blow the dystopian genre wide open - The Handmaid's Tale for a new generation. This edition will contain a sneak preview of Fever, and a brand new short story by Lauren DeStefano: The First Bride. Sixteen-year-old Rhine Ellery has only four years left to live when she is kidnapped by the Gatherers and forced into a polygamous marriage.Now she has one purpose: to escape, find…

  • Lauren DeStefano Zahrada nesmrtelnosti: Horečka CZ

    Pokračování mrazivého románu Past. Rein je opět v akci. Po útěku ze sídla se dostane do zajetí ke kuplířce, avšak odhalí její úmysly a začne opět vzdorovat. Jak dopadne strastiplná cesta k Rowanovi? Vaughn je rozhodnutý přivést Rein zpět do sídla za každou cenu. Tentokrát jde Rein o všechno.

  • Lauren DeStefano Zahrada nesmrtelnosti: Past CZ

    Co kdybyste se dozvěděli, kdy – na den přesně – zemřete? Díky moderní vědě se každá lidská bytost stává tikající časovanou genetickou bombou. Bezohledné manipulace s genetickými informacemi způsobí, že muži se dožívají pouze dvaceti pěti let a ženy dokonce jen dvaceti. V této bezútěšné době jsou mladé dívky unášeny a nuceny žít v polygamním manželství, aby odvrátily hrozbu, že lidstvo vymře. Tento osud čeká i…

  • Lauren DeStefano Záhrada večnosti: Pasca

    Čo keby ste presne vedeli, kedy zomriete? Vďaka modernej vede sa každý novorodenec stal tikajúcou genetickou bombou. Muži sa dožívajúdvadsaťpäť, ženy len dvadsať rokov. V tomto pochmúrnom prostredí zberači unášajú mladučké dievčatá, ktoré sú prinútené vstupovať do polygamných manželstiev, aby ľudstvo nevymrelo. Zberači jedného dňa odvlečú šestnásťročnú Rhine Elleryovú, čím sa jej otvoria dvere do luxusného sveta…
