Kilian Jornet (4 knihy)
Kilian Jornet Neviditelná hranice CZ
Proč zemřel on, ne já? Proč jsem couvl, místo abych se pokusil ho chytit? ptá se vynikající skialpinista a skyrunner Kilian Jornet po tragické nehodě Stéphana Brosse. Ví sice, že nemohl kamarádovu pádu zabránit, ale co kdyby… Kniha Neviditelná hranice je i není autobiografická, je i není hlavně o sportu. Legendární sportovec vypráví o přechodu alpského masivu, kamarádově smrti, životní krizi a útěku do samoty v…
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Kilian Jornet Run or Die EN
An exceptional athlete. A dominating force. An extraordinary person. Kilian Jornet has conquered some of the toughest physical tests on the planet. He has run up and down Mt. Kilimanjaro faster than any other human being, and struck down world records in every challenge that has been proposed, all before the age of 25. Redefining what is possible, Jornet continually pushes the limits of human ability, astonishing…
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Kilian Jornet Run or Die EN
Kilian Jornet has conquered some of the toughest physical tests on the planet. He has run up and down Mt. Kilimanjaro faster than any other human being, and struck down world records in every challenge that has been proposed - all before the age of 25. Dominating ultra marathons and races at altitude, he has redefined what is possible in running, astonishing competitors with his near-superhuman fitness and ability.…