Kevin Mitnick (5 kníh)
Kevin Mitnick Ghost in the Wires EN
Kevin Mitnick, the world's most wanted computer hacker, managed to hack into some of the country's most powerful - and seemingly impenetrable - agencies and companies. By conning employees into giving him private information and maneuvering through layers of security, he gained access to data that no one else could. The suspenseful heart of the book unfolds as Mitnick disappears on a three-year run from the FBI. He…
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Kevin Mitnick Ghost in the Wires EN
Kevin Mitnick, the world's most wanted computer hacker, managed to hack into some of the country's most powerful - and seemingly impenetrable - agencies and companies. By conning employees into giving him private information and maneuvering through layers of security, he gained access to data that no one else could. The suspenseful heart of the book unfolds as Mitnick disappears on a three-year run from the FBI. He…
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Kevin Mitnick, William L. Simon Ghost in the Wires
Kevin Mitnick, the world's most wanted computer hacker, managed to hack into some of the country's most powerful - and seemingly impenetrable - agencies and companies. By conning employees into giving him private information and maneuvering ...
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Kevin Mitnick The Art of Invisibility
Be online without leaving a trace.Your every step online is being tracked and stored, and your identity literally stolen. Big companies and big governments want to know and exploit what you do, and privacy is a luxury few can afford or understand...
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Kevin Mitnick, William Simon Umění klamu CZ
Kevin Mitnick je nejslavnější hacker na světě a v této knize popisuje tajemství svého úspěchu. Ukazuje, jak je klamná představa bezpečnosti soukromých i služebních dat a jak obejít systémy za miliony dolarů zneužitím lidí, kteří je obsluhují.