Kevin Budelmann (2 knihy)
Kevin Budelmann Brand Identity Essentials EN
This book is the fourth book in the Essential series following Layout Essentials, Typography Essentials, and Packaging Essentials. It outlines and demonstrates basic logo and branding design guidelines and rules through 100 principles including the elements of a successful graphic identity, identity programs and brand identity, and all the various strategies and elements involved.
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Kevin Budelmann, Yang Kim, Curt Wozniak Essential Elements for Brand Identity EN
Design terms are often used inconsistently - or just as bad, interchangeably. This leads to confusion for designers as well as clients. New in paperback, Essential Elements for Brand Identity lays a foundation for brand building, defining the tools and building blocks, and illustrating the construction of strong brands through examples of world-class design. It is a one-stop reference for connecting visual design…