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Kent Haruf (5 kníh)

  • Kent Haruf Cizinci v noci

    Křehká novela líčí noční setkávání dvou sousedů, Addie a Louise, v coloradském maloměstě Holt. Oba již před lety ovdověli a sžírá je samota. Rozhodnou se nebrat ohledy na řeči místních a začnou se stýkat...

  • Kent Haruf Cizinci v noci

    Cítím se osaměle. Říkala jsem si, že i ty se tak možná cítíš. Tak si říkám, jestli bys ke mně nepřišel. Na noc. Na kus řeči,“ osloví jednoho večera sedmdesátiletá Addie svého souseda Louise. Oba již před lety ovdověli...

  • Kent Haruf Our Souls At Night

    'I loved Our Souls at Night' David Nicholls Our Souls at Night is a deeply affecting love story, adapted into a film starring Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. This is a love story. A story about growing old with grace...

  • Kent Haruf Plainsong EN

    In Holt, Colorado, Tom Guthrie is struggling to bring up his two young sons alone. In the same town, school girl Victoria Roubideaux finds herself pregnant and homeless. Whilst Tom's sons find their way forward without their mother, quiet and gentle Harold and Raymond McPheron agree to take Victoria in, unaware that their lives are about to change forever. A novel of haunting beauty, Plainsong explores the grace and…

  • Kent Haruf Plainsong EN

    Colorado, April 1977. Eighty-year-old Edith Goodnough lies in a hospital bed, IV taped to the back of her hand, police officer at her door. She is charged with murder. The clues: a sack of chicken feed slit with a knife, a milky-eyed dog tied outdoors one cold afternoon. The motives: the brutal business of farming and a family code of ethics as unforgiving as the winter prairie itself. In his critically acclaimed…
