Katharine McGee (9 kníh)
Katharine McGee American Royals
Crazy Rich Asians meets Gossip Girl in this completely addictive and gloriously fun modern-day royal fairytale...
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Katharine McGee The Dazzling Heights EN
New York City, 2118. A glittering vision of the future, where anything is possible - if you want it enough. The dazzling sequel to The Thousandth Floor. Manhattan is home to a thousand-story supertower, a beacon of futuristic glamour and high-tech luxury...and to millions of people living scandalous, secretive lives. LEDA is haunted by nightmares of what happened on the worst night of her life. She's afraid the…
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Katharine McGee The Thousandth Floor EN
Welcome to Manhattan, 2118. A thousand-storey tower stretching into the sky. A glittering vision of the future, where anything is possible - if you want it enough. A hundred years in the future, New York's elite of the super-tower lie, backstab and betray each other to find their place at the top of the world. Everyone wants something...and everyone has something to lose. As the privileged inhabitants of the upper…
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Katharine McGee The Towering Sky
The final book in Katharine McGee's epic The Thousandth Floor series. It's New York City, 2118. In Manhattan’s glamorous thousand-story supertower, millions of people are living scandalous lives. Leda, Watt, Rylin, Avery, ...
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Katharine McGee Tisící patro CZ
New York City, jak jste ho nikdy neviděli.K nebi se tyčí tisícipatrová Věž. Zářivá vize budoucnosti, kde je možné vše – pokud se snažíte dost. Vítejte na Manhattanu roku 2018. Uplynulo sto let a New York je město technických novinek a snů. Každý tu něco chce… a každý tu má co ztratit. Bezchybný zevnějšek Ledy Coleové skrývá utajovanou závislost – na droze, kterou neměla nikdy vyzkoušet, a na chlapci, se kterým si…