Kapka Kassabova (4 knihy)
Kapka Kassabova, Kapka Kassabova A Street without a Name EN
After years on the outside, Bulgaria has finally made it into the EU club, but beyond the cliches about undrinkable plonk, cheap property, and assassins with poison-tipped umbrellas, the country remains a largely unknown quantity. Born on the muddy outskirts of Sofia, Kapka Kassabova grew up under Communism, got away just as soon as she could, and has loved and hated her homeland in equal measure ever since. In this…
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Kapka Kassabova Border EN
When Kapka Kassabova was a child, the borderzone between Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece was rumoured to be an easier crossing point into the West than the Berlin Wall so it swarmed with soldiers, spies and fugitives. On holidays close to the border on the Black Sea coast, she remembers playing on the beach, only miles from where an electrified fence bristled, its barbs pointing inwards toward the enemy: the holiday…
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Kapka Kassabova Border
When Kapka Kassabova was a child, the borderzone between Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece was rumoured to be an easier crossing point into the West than the Berlin Wall so it swarmed with soldiers, spies and fugitives...
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Kapka Kassabova Dvanáct minut lásky CZ
Pro nezasvěceného je tango prostě tanec, i když tanec exotický a smyslný. Ale pro opravdové tangueros je to něco jako náboženství, které přitahuje zbloudilé, osamělé a nadšené duše svými pevně stanovenými rituály, pocitem sounáležitosti a silným emočním nábojem. Kapka Kassabová vstoupila do tanečního studia poprvé před dvanácti lety a od té doby je ztracená. S hlavou plnou tanga protančila téměř celý svět: od…