Kamila Shamsie (5 kníh)
Kamila Shamsie Burnt Shadows EN
In a prison cell in the US, a man stands trembling, naked, fearfully waiting to be shipped to Guantanamo Bay. How did it come to this? He wonders August 9th, 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka steps out onto her veranda, taking in the view of the terraced slopes leading up to the sky. Wrapped in a kimono with three black cranes swooping across the back, she is twenty-one, in love with the man she is to marry, Konrad…
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Kamila Shamsie Burnt Shadows
In a prison cell in the US, a man stands trembling, naked, fearfully waiting to be shipped to Guantanamo Bay. How did it come to this? he wonders. August 9th, 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka steps out onto her veranda, taking in the view of the terraced slopes leading up to the sky. Wrapped in a kimono with three black cranes swooping across the back, she is twenty-one, in love with the man she is to marry, Konrad…
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Kamila Shamsie Home Fire
How can love survive betrayal? For as long as they can remember, siblings Isma, Aneeka and Parvaiz have had nothing but each other. But darker, stronger forces will divide Parvaiz from his sisters and drive him to the other side of the world, ...
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Kamila Shamsie Vypálené stíny CZ
9. srpen 1945, Nagasaki. Hiroko Tanaka stojí na terase svého domu. Má na sobě kimono s černými jeřáby a přemýšlí o nadcházející svatbě s Konradem Weissem. Pak, zničehonic, se jí svět rozplyne před očima. Hiroko přežije atomový výbuch, ale jako jedinou vzpomínku na to, co kdysi milovala, má do zad vypálené obrysy majestátních ptáků z kimona. Vypraví se hledat nový život ke Konradovým příbuzným do Dillí, kde se…