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Julie Buxbaum (5 kníh)

  • Julie Buxbaum Hope and Other Punchlines

    Abbi Hope Goldstein is like every other teenager, with a few smallish exceptions: her famous alter ego, Baby Hope, is the subject of internet memes, she has asthma, and sometimes people spontaneously burst into tears when they recognize her...

  • Julie Buxbaum Řekni mi tři věci CZ

    Jessie má pocit, že všechno je nanic. Před dvěma lety jí zemřela maminka. Teď se musela přestěhovat do Los Angeles, protože táta se znovu oženil. Do školy plné zbohatlických dětí naprosto nezapadá a nový nevlastní bratr ji naprosto ignoruje. Pak jí ale začnou přicházet maily od někoho, kdo si říká Někdo Nikdo. Tajemný pisatel, který chce zůstat v anonymitě, se postupně stává jejím průvodcem v nové škole i v novém…

  • Julie Buxbaum Tell Me Three Things EN

    Everything about Jessie is wrong. At least, that’s what it feels like during her first week of junior year at her new ultra-intimidating prep school in Los Angeles. Just when she’s thinking about hightailing it back to Chicago, she gets an email from a person calling themselves Somebody/Nobody (SN for short), offering to help her navigate the wilds of Wood Valley High School. Is it an elaborate hoax? Or can she rely…

  • Julie Buxbaum Tell Me Three Things

    With the perfect mix of comedy and tragedy, love and loss, and pain and elation, the characters in Julie Buxbaum’s Tell Me Three Things come to feel like old friends who make any day better. This YA novel is sure to appeal to fans of Rainbow Rowell, ...
