J.R. Ward (78 kníh)
J.R. Ward Bratrstvo černé dýky – Průvodce CZ
Nejnovější svazek série Bratrstvo černé dýky by si neměl nechat ujít žádný z fanoušků proslulých caldwellských upírů! Autorka J.R. Ward v něm nabízí pestrou všehochuť bonusů, jaké v žádném z jejích románů nenajdete. Kromě zbrusu nové novely Otec ze života Zsadista, Belly a jejich dcerky, naleznete v Průvodci také řadu scén, které spisovatelka musela z dosud vydaných románů s těžkým srdcem vynechat, aby dodržela…
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J.R. Ward Chamtivost CZ
Sedm smrtelných hříchů. Sedm duší, které musí být zachráněny. Věčný souboj mezi dobrem zlem, mezi spasitelem bez víry a démonem, který chladnokrevně míří za svým cílem a nemá co ztratit. Jim Heron, příslušník tajných armádních jednotek, jehož profesí je zabíjet na rozkaz svých nadřízených, na vykoupení nevěří a hřích považuje za relativní. Jeho neotřesitelný názor se však změní v okamžiku, kdy se stane padlým…
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J.R. Ward Chtíč CZ
Odvěký souboj mezi dobrem a zlem - se stále stejnými hráči a stále stejnými zavrženíhodnými dušemi. Sedm hlavních hříchů, které si nezaslouží nic než věčné zatracení. Další nelítostný souboj mezi padlým andělem se zatvrzelým srdcem a démonem, který je už mnohem opatrnější a zákeřnější. Isaac Roth, člen takzvaných černých vojenských operací, jehož jediným posláním je plnit rozkaz svých nadřízených a bezhlavě zabíjet…
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J.R. Ward Covet EN
Redemption isn`t a word Jim Heron knows much about - his specialty is revenge and, to him, sin is all relative. But everything changes when he becomes a fallen angel and is charged with saving the souls of seven people from the seven deadly sins. And failure is not an option. Vin Di Pietro long ago gave himself up to his business - until fate intervenes in the form of a tough-talking, Harley-riding, self-professed…
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J.R. Ward Crave EN
The battle between good and evil has left the future of humanity in the hands of a reluctant saviour and his band of fallen angels. Seven deadly sins that must be righted. Seven souls that must be saved. Fallen Angel Jim Heron has completed his first task: helping Vin Di Pietro to redeem his soul. Now he must identify and battle a demon that can take any form. Worse still, his old boss Matthias wants him to…
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J.R. Ward Ďáblův podíl
Ve třetím dílu kroniky privilegované kentucké dynastie čelí rodina slavných palírníků bourbonské whisky jednak nadcházejícímu bankrotu, jednak skandálu kolem šokujícího zatčení. Zpočátku se smrt Williama Baldwinea jeví jako...
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J.R. Ward Dark Lover EN
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There also exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Among them, none relishes killing their enemies more than Wrath, the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood...The only pure-bred vampire left on the planet, Wrath has a score to settle with…
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J.R. Ward Dark Lover EN
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going on between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Yet none of them relishes killing more than Wrath, the leader of The Black Dagger Brotherhood. The only purebred vampire left on earth, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who murdered…
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J.R. Ward Dark Lover EN
The only purebred vampire left on the planet and the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who killed his parents centuries ago. But when his most trusted fighter is killed—orphaning a half-breed daughter unaware of her heritage or her fate—Wrath must put down his dagger and usher the beautiful female into another world. Racked by a restlessness in her body that wasn’t…
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J.R. Ward Envy EN
Seven deadly sins. Seven souls to save. And a man and a woman treading the lines of danger, desire and deliverance... As the son of a serial killer, homicide detective Thomas 'Veck' DelVecchio, Jr, grew up in the shadow of evil. Now, on the knife-edge between civic duty and blind retribution, he atones for the sins of his father - while fighting his inner demons. Assigned to monitor Veck is Internal Affairs officer…
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J.R. Ward Hněv CZ
Věčný souboj dobra se zlem a další klání padlých andělů s démonem – tentokrát již o čtvrtou duši. Mels Carmichaelová, reportérka Caldwellského Kurýra, porazí autem před místním hřbitovem dezorientovaného muže a pod tíhou výčitek jej navštíví v nemocnici. Neznámý trpí hlubokou amnézií, a to jediné, na co si z minulosti pamatuje, je jeho křestní jméno a nápis na náhrobku, na kterém se probudil nahý: Jim Heron. Mels…
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J.R. Ward Immortal EN
The Creator invented the game. The stakes were nothing less than the immortal fate of mankind. Yet when fallen angel Jim Heron was challenged to play, he had no idea the voracious demon Devina would be so formidable an adversary-or that the carnal depths to which he was willing to go could prove so fatal. Devina's more than ready to claim victory in this war and has her next scheme already underway: Sissy, a…
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J.R. Ward J.R. Ward Box Set EN
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, a deadly turf war rages between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other—six vampire warriors, defenders of their race.This boxed set includes: - Dark Lover - Lover Eternal - Lover Awakened - Lover Revealed - Lover Unbound - Lover Enshrined
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J.R. Ward Králové bourbonu CZ
Fascinující kronika rodiny Bradfordových, dlouholetých neoficiálních vladařů světové mekky bourbonské whisky. Neustále přiživované bohatství jim zajistilo mocný vliv a výsady dynastie, která navenek dodržuje ušlechtilá pravidla miláčků štěstěny a vybraného vkusu, ale vytváří ostrou hranici mezi sobě rovnými a svými zaměstnanci, kteří dřou do úmoru jen pro blaho svých chlebodárců. Hrdinka příběhu Lizzie, vynikající…
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J.R. Ward Lover at Last EN
In the darkest corners of the night in Caldwell, New York, a conflict like no other rages. The city is home to a band of brothers born to defend their race: the warrior vampires of the BLACK DAGGER BROTHERHOOD. Qhuinn, son of no one, is used to being on his own. Disavowed from his bloodline, shunned by the aristocracy, he has finally found an identity as one of the most brutal fighters in the war against the…
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J.R. Ward Lover Avenged EN
Rehvenge, as a half-breed symphath, is used to living in the shadows and hiding his true identity. As a club owner and a dealer on the black market, he’s also used to handling the roughest nightwalkers around - including the members of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. He’s kept his distance from the Brotherhood as his dark secret could make things complicated on both sides - but now, as head of the vampire aristocracy,…
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J.R. Ward Lover Avenged EN
The brothers are back in the latest installment in Ward`s sizzling New York Times - bestselling series. As the vampire warriors defend their race against their slayers, one male`s loyalty to the Brotherhood will be tested and his dangerous mixed blood revealed.
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J.R. Ward Lover Awakened EN
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, a deadly war rages between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other—six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Of these, Zsadist is the most terrifying member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.
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J.R. Ward Lover Awakened EN
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Of these, Zsadist is the most terrifying member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. A former blood slave, the vampire Zsadist still bears the scars from a past filled with suffering and humiliation.…
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J.R. Ward Lover Enshrined EN
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - six vampire warriors, defenders of their race.
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J.R. Ward Lover Enshrined EN
And now, a dutiful twin must choose between two lives ... Phury has sacrificed himself for the good of the race, becoming the male responsible for keeping the Black Dagger Brotherhood`s bloodlines alive - he is to father the sons and daughters who will ensure that the traditions of the race survive and that there are warriors to fight those who want all vampires extinguished. As his first mate, the Chosen Cormia…