Joshua Ferris (10 kníh)
Joshua Ferris Pak byl s námi konec CZ
Máte pocit, že vaše firma je jeden velký blázinec a vaši kolegové to nemůžou mít v hlavě v pořádku? Joshua Ferris vás ve své prvotině pomocí svého osobitého humoru s nadhledem přesvědčí, že jste vlastně všichni úplně normální. Jeho román vás zavede do zdánlivě obyčejné reklamní agentury v Chicagu, kde si kolegové dělají naschvály, prožívají svá trápení, zamilovávají se a kradou si židle stejně jako u vás v kanceláři.
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Joshua Ferris The Dinner Party EN
The Dinner Party immerses us in the comic and strange realities of modern life, as we journey through the lives of the unlovable, the unloved, and those who love too much: Jack, who nervously tries to befriend the surly removal man by buying him a latte and a croissant; Sarah, who endlessly imagines how her evening would have been better had she only chosen a different restaurant; Joe, who spends a night alone at…
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Joshua Ferris The Dinner Party
The Dinner Party immerses us in the comic and strange realities of modern life, as we journey through the lives of the unlovable, the unloved, and those who love too much: Jack, who nervously tries to befriend the surly removal man by buying him ...
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Joshua Ferris The Unnamed EN
In an America gone awry with strange weather, New York lawyer Tim Farnsworth suffers a peculiar affliction: the inability to stop walking. While his wife, Jane, struggles to keep their family together in the face of the unfathomable, Tim alone must battle to survive pitiless surroundings, encounters with hostile strangers, and the unrelenting demands of his own body. These challenges force Tim to ask life's most…
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Joshua Ferris The Unnamed EN
Tim Farnsworth is a handsome, healthy man, ageing with the grace of a matinee idol. He loves his work. He loves his family. He loves his kitchen. And then one day he stands up and walks out on all of it. He cannot stop walking. And, as his body propels him relentlessly forward, deep into the unfamiliar outer reaches of the city, he begins to realise he is moving further and further from his old self, seemingly…
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Joshua Ferris Then We Came to the End EN
They spend their days - and too many of their nights - at work. Away from firends and family, they share a stretch of stained carpet with a group of strangers they call colleagues. There´s Chris Yop, who is clinging to his ergonomic chair; Lynn Mason, the boss, whose breast cancer everyone pretends not to talk about; Carl Garbedian, secretly taking someone else´s medication; Marcia Dwyer, whose hair is stuck in…
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Joshua Ferris Then We Came to the End EN
Joshua Ferris' Then We Came To The End - part of the limited edition PENGUIN STREET ART series: timeless writing, enduring design.We were fractious and overpaid. Our mornings lacked promise. At least those of us who smoked had something to look forward to at ten-fifteen.They spend their days - and too many of their nights - at work. Away from friends and family, they share a stretch of stained carpet with a group of…
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Joshua Ferris To Rise Again at a Decent Hour EN
New Yorker, dentist and reluctant non-believer. Modern life disappoints him, and love never solves any of his problems. Then someone steals his identity and starts impersonating Paul online. A cruel invasion of privacy, the real horror is yet to come: this virtual 'Paul', preaching an obscure, ancient religion, might just be a better, happier person than the real deal. Anxious to find out who is responsible for this…
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Joshua Ferris To Rise Again at a Decent Hour EN
Paul O'Rourke - dentist extraordinaire, reluctant New Yorker, avowed atheist, disaffected Red Sox fan, and a connoisseur of the afternoon mochaccino - is a man out of touch with modern life. While his thriving dental practice occupies his days, his insomniac nights are filled with speculation and regret, as he ponders his mistakes with his ex-girlfriend (and receptionist) Connie, questions all the rituals that give…
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Joshua Ferris Vstát znovu se slepicema CZ
Paul O’Rourke má slušnou zubařskou praxi a k ní ještě slušnější krizi středního věku. Anebo, řečeno jednodušeji, neví, co sám se sebou: nesnáší stroje apřístroje, ale miluje svůj iPhone; zuřivě fandí Red Sox, ale každé jejich vítězství mu způsobí depresi; rád by byl ateistou, ale pořád se té víry nějak ne a nepustit. A když si někdo přisvojí jeho totožnost a začne si jeho jménem zakládat pohoršující webové stránky…