Joseph Conrad (43 kníh)
Joseph Conrad Černoch z lode Narcissus. Tajfún
Spisovateľ na vlastnej koži spoznal nebezpečný a ťažký život na mori. Azda práve preto poviedka Tajfún, v ktorej opísal skutočného námorného kapitána MacWhira, patrí k najlepším námorným príbehom všetkých čias. V centre pozornosti poviedok sú medziľudské vzťahy, ktoré sa vyhrocujú dlhodobým pobytom izolovaného kolektívu na lodi...
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Joseph Conrad Černoch z lodi Narcissus CZ
Joseph Conrad ve svém románu nastoluje stale aktuální otázky rasismu, soucitu, solidarity a smyslu lidského života vůbec. Černoch z lodi Narcissus, Námořní příběh patří mezi nejpodařenější Conradovy rané práce. Současně jde o přelom v jeho tvorbě, jelikož právě touto knihou začíná jeho zralé období. Předmluva ke knize, kterou Conrad sám napsal, je pak považována za manifest literárního impresionismu a řadí se k…
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Joseph Conrad, Janet Borsbey, Ruth Swan Heart of Darkness EN
Heart of Darkness is classified by the Modern Library website editors as one of the “100 best novels” and part of the Western canon. Marlow, a man who has spent his life at sea, tells the story of a journey up the River Congo which changed his life. His journey upriver to find Kurtz, the charismatic head of a colonial trading station, takes him into the very heart of Africa and leads Marlow to question both Kurtz’s…
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness EN
Resting one night on a boat on the River Thames, Charlie Marlow tells his friends about his experiences as a steamboat captain on the River Congo. There, in the heart of Africa, his search for the extraordinary Mr Kurtz caused him to question his own nature and values – and the nature and values of his society. Classic / British English
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness EN
HarperCollins is proud to present its range of best-loved, essential classics. 'The reaches opened before us and closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely across the water to bar the way for our return. We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.' At the peak of European Imperialism, steamboat captain Charles Marlow travels deep into the African Congo on his way to relieve the elusive Mr…
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness EN
Heart of Darkness is the thrilling tale of Marlow, a seaman and wanderer recounting his physical and psychological journey in search of the infamous ivory trader Kurtz. Traveling upriver into the heart of the African continent, he gradually becomes obsessed by this enigmatic, wraith-like figure. Marlow's discovery of how Kurtz has gained his position of power over the local people involves him in a radical…
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Joseph Conrad Heart of darkness EN
Heart of Darkness has been considered for most of this century as a literary classic, and also as a powerful indictment of the evils of imperialism. It reflects the savage repressions carried out in the Congo by the Belgians in one of the largest acts of genocide committed up to that time. Conrad's narrator encounters at the end of the story a man named Kurtz, dying, insane, and guilty of unspeakable atrocities.
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness
Life on the river is brutal, and unknown threats lurk in the darkness; the silence of the jungle is broken only by the ominous sound of drumming. Marlow's mission to captain a steamer upriver into the dense interior ...
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Joseph Conrad, Peter Kuper Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness has unsettled generations of readers with its haunting portrait of colonialism and the brutal exploitation of African lives. Peter Kuper's graphic adaptation reimagines this masterpiece for a new generation...
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness
On a boat in the Thames estuary, Marlow tells his travelling companions of his reconnaissance expedition for a Belgian trading company to its most remote outpost in central Africa, which brought him on...
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness / Srdce temnoty CZ
Předtím, než vyšla novela Heart of Darkness / Srdce temnoty v roce 1902 knižně, vycházela na pokračování v časopisu Blackwood’s Magazine. Příběh z větší části vypráví Angličan Charles Marlow, který byl kapitánem říčního parníku v Africe. I autor příběhu Joseph Conrad (3. 12. 1857 – 3. 8. 1924), anglický spisovatel polského původu a bývalý námořník, strávil pár let před vznikem novely nějakou dobu na parníku v…
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness / Srdce temnoty
Předtím, než vyšla novela Heart of Darkness (Srdce temnoty) v roce 1902 knižně, vycházela na pokračování v časopisu Blackwood’s Magazine. Příběh z větší části vypráví Angličan Charles Marlow, který byl kapitánem říčního...
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Joseph Conrad Heart of Darkness and Other Stories
'The horror! The horror!' - these are Kurtz's final words in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness, the story of a man who travels into the jungle to seek his fortune and who instead finds an all-consuming moral and spiritual...
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Joseph Conrad Lord Jim EN
Jim is a well-bred young romantic who takes to the seas with hopes of adventure and the aspiration to prove his mettle. When the boat he sails in threatens to sink, Jim abandons ship in fear in order to save himself, leaving the other passengers to their fate. However, the ship does not sink and guilt-ridden Jim admits to the maritime court of inquiry that he deserted the boat and is consequently stripped of his…
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Joseph Conrad Lord Jim EN
When Lord Jim first appeared in 1900, many took Joseph Conrad to task for couching an entire novel in the form of an extended conversation - a ripping good yarn, if you like. Conrad defended his method, insisting that people really do talk for that long, and listen as well. In fact his chatty masterwork requires no defense - it offers up not only linguistic pleasures but a timeless exploration of morality. The…
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Joseph Conrad Lord Jim
Lord Jim je tragický príbeh mladého námorného dôstojníka, ktorého prenasleduje pocit, že stratil svoju česť, keď v zdanlivo beznádejnej situácii opustil potápajúcu sa loď bez ohľadu na ohrozených cestujúcich, a ktorý hľadá vykúpenie z viny v obetavej pomoci domorodcom v zapadnutej malajskej dedine pri obrane proti vpádu belošských kolonizátorov. Román vychádza pri príležitosti 150. výročia od narodenia tohto poľsko…