Jonathan Stroud (21 kníh)
Jonathan Stroud Amulet of Samarkand EN
When the 5,000-year-old djinni Bartimaeus is summoned by Nathaniel, a young magician's apprentice, he expects to have to do nothing more taxing than a little levitation or a few simple illusions. But Nathaniel is a precocious talent and has something rather more dangerous in mind: revenge. Against his will, Bartimaeus is packed off to steal the powerful Amulet of Samarkand from Simon Lovelace, a master magician of…
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Jonathan Stroud Amulet zo Samarkandu
Nathaniel, mladý čarodejnícky učeň, vyvolá 5000-ročného džina Bartimaeusa. Ten nepatrí medzi bytosti, ktoré by ukazovali malým čarodejníkom praobyčajné kúzla. Preto sa voči chlapcovi správa bezočivo a zlomyseľne, ale len dovtedy, kým nezistí, čo má Nathaniel za lubom. Prikáže džinovi, aby ukradol nebezpečný amulet zo Samarkandu mocnému mágovi, ktorého krutosť a ctižiadosť nemá páru. Má to byť súčasť pomsty za…
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Jonathan Stroud Golemovo oko - Kniha druhá
V pokračovaní príbehov džina Bartimaeusa a mladého čarodejníka Nathaniela môžeme sledovať rýchlo stúpajúcu Nathanielovu kariéru. Pracuje v Oddelení vnútorných záležitostí a jeho najdôležitejšou úlohou je skoncovať so záhadným Hnutím odporu. Jej členom na čele s Kitty sa však darí pred ním unikať. Nathaniel stojí pod úporným tlakom, keď Londýn začne znenazdania ohrozovať nová séria hrôzostrašných útokov. Stojí za…
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Jonathan Stroud Lockwood & Co. 1: Kvílející schodiště CZ
Už více než padesát let sužuje Británii děsivá epidemie duchů. Vznikla řada parapsychických vyšetřovacích agentur, které se snaží zneškodňovat nebezpečné přízraky. Lucy Carlyleová přijíždí do Londýna v naději, že si vybuduje úspěšnou kariéru u významné firmy. Místo toho skončí u nejmenší agentury ve městě, kterou vede okouzlující Anthony Lockwood. A když se jeden případ ošklivě zvrtne, Lockwood & spol. mají jedinou…
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Jonathan Stroud Lockwood & Co. 2: Šeptající lebka CZ
Život agentury Lockwood & spol. nikdy není úplně klidný. Lucy a George se snaží rozluštit záhadu mluvící lebky v lapači duchů, zatímco Lockwood zoufale touží po novém vzrušujícím případu. A zdá se, že se mu přání splnilo, když je jejich tým povolán na hřbitov v Kensal Greenu, aby prošetřili záhadný hrob lékaře z viktoriánských časů. Dochází kolem něj k podivnému zjevování a místo je třeba zabezpečit. Lockwood jako…
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Jonathan Stroud Ptolemaiova brána - Kniha tretia
Pred dvetisíc rokmi bol Bartimaeus jedným z najmocnejších džinov. Teraz ho väznia na zemi a jeho pán Nathaniel sa k nemu správa opovržlivo. Bartimaeus zisťuje, že jeho energia rýchlo vyprcháva. Medzitým sa v Londýne pod cudzími menami skrýva Kitty Jonesová, bývalá členka Hnutia odporu, ktorá sa potajomky venuje výskumu mágie a démonov. Dúfa, že sa jej podarí ukončiť ustavičný boj medzi džinmi a ľuďmi. Tento…
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Jonathan Stroud Ptolemy's Gate EN
Three years on from the events in The Golem's Eye, the magicians' rule in London is teetering on a knife-edge, with strikes, riots and general unrest. The Prime Minister is largely controlled by two advisors, one of whom is 17-year-old Nathaniel. Meanwhile, living under a false identity, Kitty has been researching djinn; she has come to believe that the only way to destroy the magicians is for an alliance of some…
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Jonathan Stroud Ptolemy's Gate EN
The tremendous climax of the Bartimaeus sequence. Three years on from the events in The Golem's Eye, the magicians' rule in London is teetering on a knife-edge, with strikes, riots and general unrest. The Prime Minister is largely controlled by two advisers, one of whom is 17-year-old Nathaniel. Meanwhile, living under a false identity, Kitty has been researching djinn; she has come to believe that the only way to…
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Jonathan Stroud Šepkajúca lebka
Jonathan Stroud dobyl srdcia čitateľov sériou Barthimaeus. Teraz sa vracia s druhou knihou zo série Lockwood a spol., ktorá patrí jednoznačne medzi to najlepšie a najstrašidelnejšie čítanie pre deti! Ubehlo šesť mesiacov od úspešného vyriešenia prípadu vreštiaceho schodiska v najstrašidelnejšom dome v Anglicku, no agentúra Lockwood a spol. stále balansuje na pokraji bankrotu. Anthony Lockwood trávi každú voľnú…
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Jonathan Stroud The Amulet of Samarkand EN
The first volume in the brilliant, bestselling Bartimaeus sequence. When the 5,000-year-old djinni Bartimaeus is summoned by Nathaniel, a young magician's apprentice, he expects to have to do nothing more taxing than a little levitation or a few simple illusions. But Nathaniel is a precocious talent and has something rather more dangerous in mind: revenge. Against his will, Bartimaeus is packed off to steal the…
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Jonathan Stroud The Amulet of Samarkand EN
When the 5,000-year-old djinni Bartimaeus is summoned by Nathaniel, a young magician's apprentice, he expects to have to do nothing more taxing than a little levitation or a few simple illusions. But Nathaniel is a precocious talent and has something rather more dangerous in mind: revenge. Against his will, Bartimaeus is packed off to steal the powerful Amulet of Samarkand from Simon Lovelace, a master magician of…
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Jonathan Stroud The Creeping Shadow
Lucy has left Lockwood & Co. A freelance operative, she is hiring herself out to other agencies – agencies that might value her ever-improving skills...
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Jonathan Stroud The Empty Grave
After their recent adventures, the Lockwood & Co team deserve a well-earned break . . . so naturally they decide to risk their lives breaking into a heavily-guarded crypt. A building full of unsettled souls, ...
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Jonathan Stroud The Golem's Eye EN
Two years have passed since the events of The Amulet Of Samarkand and the young magician Nathaniel is rising fast through the government ranks. But his career is suddenly threatened by a series of terrifying crises. A dangerous golem makes random attacks on London and other raids, even more threatening, are perpetrated by the Resistance. Nathaniel and Bartimaeus travel to Prague, enemy city of ancient magic, but…
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Jonathan Stroud The Golem's Eye EN
Two years have passed since the events of The Amulet Of Samarkand and the young magician Nathaniel is rising fast through the government ranks, but his career is suddenly threatened by a series of terrifying crises. A dangerous golem makes random attacks on London and other even more threatening raids are perpetrated by the Resistance. Nathaniel and Bartimaeus travel to Prague, enemy city of ancient magic, and…
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Jonathan Stroud The Hollow Boy
Lockwood & Co. might be the smallest (some might say shambollic) Psychic Detection Agency in London. But its three agents - Lockwood, Lucy and George - are exceptional Talents. And they get results. When an outbreak of ghostly ...
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Jonathan Stroud The Ring of Solomon EN
Fans of Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus books will devour this book - a cracking adventure brimming with magic, intrigue and a treasure trove of characters that the reader can't help but fall for. We find everyone's favourite irascibly insolent djinni serving at the court of King Solomon in 950 BC Jerusalem, where he is causing his customary chaos and must help a girl assassin sent by the Queen of Sheba to steal the…
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Jonathan Stroud The Ring of Solomon EN
Fans of Jonathan Stroud's Bartimaeus books will devour this book - a cracking adventure brimming with magic, intrigue and a treasure trove of characters that the reader can't help but fall for.We find everyone's favourite irascibly insolent djinni serving at the court of King Solomon in 950 BC Jerusalem, where he is causing his customary chaos and must help a girl assassin sent by the Queen of Sheba to steal the all…
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Jonathan Stroud The Screaming Staircase
When the dead come back to haunt the living, Lockwood & Co. step in... . For more than fifty years, the country has been affected by a horrifying epidemic of ghosts...