Jonathan Safran Foer (19 kníh)
Jonathan Safran Foer Eating Animals EN
Eating Animals is a riveting exposé which presents the gut-wrenching truth about the price paid by the environment, the government, the Third World and the animals themselves in order to put meat on our tables more quickly and conveniently than ever before. Interweaving a variety of monologues and balancing humour and suspense with informed rationalism, Eating Animals is as much a novelistic account of an…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Eating Animals EN
Is a uniquely passionate, powerful and provocative exploration of what we eat, and why, by the bestselling author of Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. This story didn't begin as a book. I simply wanted to know - for myself and my family - what meat is. Where does it come from? How is it produced? What are the economic, social and environmental effects? Are there animals that it is…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Everything Is Illuminated EN
The simplest thing would be to describe Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer's accomplished debut, as a novel about the Holocaust. It is, but that really fails to do justice to the sheer ambition of this book. The main story is a grimly familiar one. A young Jewish-American—who just happens to be called Jonathan Safran Foer—travels to the Ukraine in the hope of finding the woman who saved his grandfather…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close EN
Nine-year-old Oskar Blum is an inventor, amateur entomologist, Francophile, letter writer, pacifist, natural historian, percussionist, romantic, Great Explorer, jeweller, detective, vegan, and collector of butterflies, Beatles memorabilia, state quarters, miniature cacti and coral. When his father is killed in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center, his inward journey towards some kind of peace takes…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close EN
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is Jonathan Safran Foer's heartrending New York novel. In a vase in a closet, a couple of years after his father died in 9/11, nine-year-old Oskar discovers a key...The key belonged to his father, he's sure of that. But which of New York's 162 million locks does it open? So begins a quest that takes Oskar - inventor, letter-writer and amateur detective - across New York's five…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close EN
The key belonged to his father, he's sure of that. But which of New York's 162 million locks does it open? So begins a quest that takes Oskar - inventor, letter-writer and amateur detective - across New York's five boroughs and into the jumbled lives of friends, relatives and complete strangers. He gets heavy boots, he gives himself little bruises and he inches ever nearer to the heart of a family mystery that…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Nine-year-old Oskar Schell is an inventor, amateur entomologist, Francophile, letter writer, pacifist, natural historian, percussionist, romantic, Great Explorer, jeweller, detective, vegan, and collector of butterflies...
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Jonathan Safran Foer Here I Am EN
A monumental new novel about modern family lives from the bestselling author ofEverything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly CloseGod asked Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac, and Abraham replied obediently, Here I am. This is the story of a fracturing family in a moment of crisis. Over the course of three weeks in present-day Washington DC, three sons watch their parents' marriage falter and…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Here I Am EN
The New York Times bestselling new novel about modern family lives from the author of Everything Is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Jacob and Julia Bloch are about to be tested. By Jacob's grandfather, who won't go quietly into a retirement home. By the family reunion, that everyone is dreading. By their son's heroic attempts to get expelled. And by the sexting affair that will rock their…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Jíst zvířata CZ
Jonathan Safran Foer velkou část svého života neustále kolísal mezi vegetariánstvím a konzumací masa. Zlomové pro něj bylo období po narození syna. Tehdy se snažil vypátrat co nejvíce informací o tom, jak to chodí v masném průmyslu, aby se mohl zodpovědně rozhodnout, čím bude své dítě živit. V knize Jíst zvířata autor objektivně popisuje, co během svého čtyřletého výzkumu zjistil, viděl a zažil. Neagituje, předkládá…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Naprosto osvětleno CZ
Jonathan Safran Foer napsal román, jehož hrdinou je… Jonathan Safran Foer. Vlastně jeho druhé já, mladičký americký žid, který se rozhodne na Ukrajině pátrat po osudech svých předků. Hlavně chce najít ženu, která měla zachránit jeho dědečka, když postupující nacistická vojska vyvražďovala židovské obyvatelstvo. Najde si cestovní kancelář specializovanou právě na židovské turisty ze Západu, kteří pátrají po svých…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Příšerně nahlas a k nevíře blízko CZ
Oskar Schell je vynálezce, milovník francouzské kultury, hráč na tamburínu, shakespearovský herec, šperkař, pacifista, origamista, detektiv, vegan a sběratel motýlů. A mimochodem – je mu devět let. Když jeho otec zahyne při teroristickém útoku na New York v září 2001, Oskar najde v jeho pozůstalosti záhadný klíč a začíná pátrat. Hledání jej provede celým New Yorkem, podivnými životy mnoha jeho obyvatel, ale zatáhne…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Príšerne nahlas a neuveriteľne blízko
Deväťročný Oskar Schell je nádejný vynálezca, hráč na tamburínu, šperkár a pacifista, zbiera fotografie a píše listy vedcom. Jeho otec zahynie 11. septembra 2001 počas teroristického útoku na World Trade Center v New Yorku. Oskar nájde v otcových veciach kľúč s nápisom „Black, a tak si zaumieni pozhovárať sa s každým v meste, koho priezvisko znie rovnako. Dobrodružné hľadanie vedie chlapca cez celý New York, do nie…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Tu som
Manželia Jacob a Julia Blochovci majú problém... vlastne niekoľko problémov. Jacobovho deda chcú presťahovať do domova dôchodcov, syna pripravujú na bar micvu a zachraňujú ho pred vylúčením zo školy, navyše Julia nájde v manželovom telefóne erotické esemesky, ktoré podľa všetkého písal svojej kolegyni. Zatiaľ čo sa prehlbuje ich manželská kríza, na obzore sa črtá iná, globálna katastrofa. Izrael zasiahne ničivé…
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Jonathan Safran Foer Tu som
Manželia Jacob a Julia Blochovci majú problém... vlastne niekoľko problémov. Jacobovho deda chcú presťahovať do domova dôchodcov, syna pripravujú na bar micvu a zachraňujú...
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Jonathan Safran Foer Unabridged Pocketbook of Lightning EN
The Unabridged Pocketbook of Lightning is Jonathan Safran Foer on top form - inventive, funny and full of surprises.
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Jonathan Safran Foer Všetko osvetlené
Jonathan Safran Foer je jedným z najzaujímavejších súčasných spisovateľov. Román Všetko osvetlené je jeho literárny debut, ktorý autora medzinárodne preslávil a za ktorý získal cenu Guardian First Book Award za najlepší debut roka 2002. Na železničnú stanicu v ukrajinskom Ľvove prišiel mladý Američan Jonathan. Rozhodol sa, že podľa zažltnutej fotografie a niekoľkých starých máp nájde ženu menom Augustina. Tá počas…
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Jonathan Safran Foer We are the Weather
From the bestselling author of Eating Animals and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - a brilliant, fresh take on climate change and what we can do about it...