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Jonathan Coe (10 kníh)

  • Jonathan Coe 9th & 13th EN

    When Penguin published What a Carve Up! in 1994, Jonathan Coe's lasting fame was assured. There followed a string of widely acclaimed novels that together chart the changing social fabric of Britain over the last thirty years. 9th and 13th brings together several uncollected pieces of fiction and non-fiction, some of which never before published in the UK, from the master of comedy and pathos.

  • Jonathan Coe Closed Circle EN

    Set against the backdrop of the Millenium celebrations and Britain's increasingly compromised role in America's war against terrorism', The Closed Circle lifts the lid on an era in which politics and presentation, ideology and the media have become virtually indistinguishable. Darkly comic, hugely engaging, and compulsively readable, it is the much-anticipated follow-up to Jonathan Coe's bestselling novel The…

  • Jonathan Coe Expo 58 EN

    Expo 58 - Good-looking girls and sinister spies: a naive Englishman at loose in Europe in Jonathan Coe's brilliant comic novel. London, 1958: unassuming civil servant Thomas Foley is plucked from his desk at the Central Office of Information and sent on a six-month trip to Brussels. His task: to keep an eye on The Brittania, a brand new pub which will form the heart of the British presence at Expo 58 - the biggest…

  • Jonathan Coe Middle England

    Beginning eight years ago on the outskirts of Birmingham, where car factories have been replaced by Poundland, and London, where frenzied riots give way to Olympic fever, Middle England follows a brilliantly vivid cast of characters through a time...

  • Jonathan Coe Middle England

    The country is changing and, up and down the land, cracks are appearing - within families and between generations. In the Midlands Benjamin Trotter tries to help his aged father navigate a Britain that seems to have forgotten he exists, while in...

  • Jonathan Coe Number 11 EN

    This is a novel about the hundreds of tiny connections between the public and private worlds and how they affect us all. It's about the legacy of war and the end of innocence. It's about how comedy and politics are battling it out and comedy might have won. It's about how 140 characters can make fools of us all. It's about living in a city where bankers need cinemas in their basements and others need food banks down…

  • Jonathan Coe Pár trotlů CZ

    V románu autor líčí příběh chlapců či mladých pánů z jedné školy v Birminghamu. Na pozadí jejich školních lásek, průšvihů či sportovního zápolení promítá obraz britské společnosti 70. let minulého století, kdy Británii sužovala vlna stávek, útoky IRA i problém rasismu v souvislosti s přílivem přistěhovalců. Ani mladí hrdinové se těmto problémům nevyhnou: sestra jednoho z chlapců se stane obětí bombového útoku, otce…

  • Jonathan Coe The Rotters' Club EN

    At 8.20 precisely, the timing device set off the trigger, the battery pack sent power running through the cables, and thirty pounds of gelignite exploded on the far side of the pub. And that was how it all ended, for the chick and the hairy guy. The tale of Benjamin Trotter and his friends' coming of age during the 1970s is a heartfelt celebration of the joys and agonies of growing up. Featuring, among other…

  • Jonathan Coe The Rotters' Club

    'Sometimes I feel that I am destined always to be offstage whenever the main action occurs. That God has made me the victim of some cosmic practical joke, by assigning me little more than a walk-on part in my own life...

  • Jonathan Coe The Story of Gulliver EN

    Through Jonathan Coe's expert retelling of Swift's famous satire about human hubris and desires, young readers are swept along as Gulliver finds himself in Lilliput and Brobdignag, on the flying island of Laputa, and in the land of the Houyhnhnms, talking horses who think precious little of human Yahoos.
