Jojo Moyesová (18 kníh)
Jojo Moyesová Me Before You (film tie-in)
Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick. What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane. Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything…
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Jojo Moyesová The One Plus One
Jess Thomas has two jobs and two kids and never enough money. And when life knocks her down she does her best to bounce right back. But no one told her it's okay to ask for help. Ed Nicholls is the good guy gone bad. He had it all...
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Jojo Moyesová Život po tobě CZ
Kdybyste ztratili někoho, koho jste moc milovali, jak moc by to změnilo váš pohled na svět? V pokračování světového bestselleru Jojo Moyesové Než jsem tě poznala najdeme Louisu Clarkovou v přesně takové situaci. Po intenzivním půlročním vztahu s ochrnutým Willem Traynorem, který se rozhodl ukončit svůj život asistovanou sebevraždou, zůstává Louisa sama, zmítána smutkem a výčitkami svědomí. Po vážném úrazu se navíc…