John Shook (3 knihy)
James Womack, John Shook Gemba Walks EN
The life of lean is experiments. All authority for any sensei flows from experiments on the gemba [the place where work takes place], not from dogmatic interpretations of sacred texts or the few degrees of separation from the founders of the movement. In short, lean is not a religion but a daily practice of conducting experiments and accumulating knowledge. So writes Jim Womack, who over the past 30 years has…
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John Shook, Jim Womack Managing to Learn EN
Managing to Learn by Toyota veteran John Shook, reveals the thinking underlying the vital A3 management process at the heart of lean management and lean leadership. Constructed as a dialogue between a manager and his boss, the book explains how A3 thinking helps managers and executives identify, frame, and then act on problems and challenges. Shook calls this approach, which is captured in the simple structure of an…
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Mike Rother, John Shook Umenie vidieť
Mapovanie toku hodnôt patrí medzi základné metódy konceptu štíhlej výroby. Kniha Umenie vidieť ponúka návod ako postupovať pri praktickom využívaní tejto metódy. V jednotlivých kapitolách autori objasňujú ako vytvoriť mapu toku hodnoty. Pomocou praktických príkladov sa čitatelia z radov manažérov, inžinierov, plánovačov ale aj zákazníkov, učia „vidieť“ hodnotu, rozlišovať medzi hodnotou a plytvaním. Publikácia…