John Brierley (10 kníh)
John Brierley 7 prvních let života rozhoduje CZ
Proč a jak poskytovat dětem od narození do sedmi let příležitosti pro rozvoj myšlení. Pochopení zákonitostí vývoje mozku pomáhá při výchově a vzdělávání v mnoha oblastech při výuce jazyků a matematiky, při rozvíjení myšlení a paměti, při využívání her. Autor připomíná svou knihou rodičům i učitelkám dětí předškolního věku a také učitelům prvního stupně základních škol, proč a jak dětem v rozhodujícím období od…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago EN
Now updated to include newer maps and photos -and lighter in weight to support carefree traveling- this comprehensive guidebook to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of St. James. Overview route planners plus daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with all the advance preparation they need. The maps…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago EN
Now updated to include newer maps and photos -and lighter in weight to support carefree traveling- this comprehensive guidebook to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of St. James. Overview route planners plus daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with all the advance preparation they need. The maps…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino de Santiago EN
Now updated to include newer maps and photos, with height reduced by 20mm to make it even lighter in weight to support carefree traveling, this comprehensive guidebook to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of St. James. Overview route planners plus daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with all the…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino Portugués EN
Updated to include newer maps and photos and weighing less to support carefree traveling, the latest edition in these comprehensive guidebooks to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of Saint James. Overview route planners plus all 23 daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with as much advance preparation…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino Portugues EN
Updated to include newer maps and photos and weighing less to support carefree traveling, the latest edition in these comprehensive guidebooks to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of Saint James. Overview route planners plus all 23 daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with as much advance preparation…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino Portugués EN
Updated to include newer maps and photos and weighing less to support carefree traveling, the latest edition in these comprehensive guidebooks to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of Saint James. Overview route planners plus all 23 daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with as much advance preparation…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino Portugués EN
Updated to include newer maps and photos and weighing less to support carefree traveling, the latest edition in these comprehensive guidebooks to the Camino de Santiago and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of Saint James. Overview route planners plus all 23 daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with as much advance preparation…
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John Brierley A Pilgrim's Guide to the Camino Portugues
Updated to include newer maps and photos, the latest edition in these comprehensive guidebooks to the Camino de Santiago (Portuguese Way) and its offshoots contains all the information needed by modern-day pilgrims wishing to walk the sacred Way of Saint James. Overview route planners plus all 24 daily stage maps and detailed town plans help sojourners with as much advance preparation as they need. The completely…