Jenny Linford (6 kníh)
Jenny Linford 1001 Restaurants EN
Gourmets with an appetite for good food in gorgeous settings will find their taste buds tingling in anticipation as they flick through the pages of this book. The eateries listed here come from around the world and range from beloved, local institutions-favorite spots for family celebrations-to elegant, haute cuisine establishments in which to enjoy refined and elegant dishes. As well as celebrating the traditional…
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Jenny Linford, Clare Winfield Česnek
Česnek vzbuzuje již od pradávna v lidech silné emoce – jedni jej milují, druzí nenávidí. Navzdory tomuto rozporu si v průběhu věků vybudoval takřka kultovní status, a to nejenom jako kulinářská ingredience, ale i jako přírodní lék, posilovač imunity...
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Jenny Linford Houby
Houby existují v nepřeberném množství velikostí, tvarů a barev, což z nich dělá fascinující ingredienci na vaření. Najdete zde vše od běžně pěstovaných žampionů a hlív až po divoce rostoucí houby jako jsou...
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Jenny Linford The Chef's Library EN
All chefs love and cherish cookbooks, and increasingly, cookbooks have become treasured manuals of the trade, as well as beautiful art objects. The Chef's Library is the world's first attempt to bring together in a single volume a comprehensive collection of cookbooks that are highly rated and actually used by more than 70 renowned chefs around the world. Readers will discover the books that have galvanised…
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Jenny Linford The Missing Ingredient
The Missing Ingredient is about what makes good food, and the first book to consider the intrinsic yet often forgotten role of time in creating the flavours and textures we love...
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Jenny Linford The Tomato Basket EN
In this wonderfully entertaining and enlightening book, food writer Jenny Linford traces the story of the tomato from its origins to the present day in seven feature spreads that look at topics including Varieties and Handling, Grow Your Own, Tomato Flavour Friends, Festivals, Meet the Growers, Saving Our Tomato Heritage and Preserving Tomatoes. Start with Small Bites with recipes for Cherry Tomato Bruschetta,…