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Jenny Colgan (29 kníh)

  • Jenny Colgan An Island Christmas

    Christmas on the remote Scottish island of Mure is bleak, stark - and incredibly beautiful. It's a time for hunkering down, getting cosy in front of whisky barrel wood fires, and enjoying a dram with the people you love ...

  • Jenny Colgan Báječný krámek s čokoládou CZ

    Třicetiletá Anna pracuje v továrně na čokoládu na severu Anglie. Po úrazu se v nemocnici setkává se svou bývalou učitelkou francouzštiny Claire a obě ženy se spřátelí. Anna přichází o práci a zdrceně přemýšlí, co bude dál. Je tady ovšem Claire, která jí nabízí možnost odjet do Paříže a vypomáhat v obchodě proslaveného výrobce čokolády Thierryho Girarda, se kterým kdysi prožila milostný románek. Anna, která si není…

  • Jenny Colgan Christmas at little beach street bakery

    Welcome back to Mount Polbearne! The new book from Top Ten bestseller Jenny Colgan is full of festive joy, warmth and the best hot chocolate you can imagine. It's Christmas in the Cornish coastal village of Mount Polbearne - a time for family, friends and feasting. Polly Waterford loves running the Little Beach Street Bakery. She's at her happiest when she's creating delicious treats and the festive season always…

  • Jenny Colgan Christmas at Little Beach Street Bakery

    Welcome back to Mount Polbearne! The new book from Top Ten bestseller Jenny Colgan is full of festive joy, warmth and the best hot chocolate you can imagine...

  • Jenny Colgan Christmas at Rosie Hopkins' Sweet Shop EN

    Includes mouth-watering recipes! Curl up with Rosie, her friends and her family as they prepare for a very special Christmas... Rosie Hopkins is looking forward to Christmas in the little Derbyshire village of Lipton, buried under a thick blanket of snow. Her sweetshop is festooned with striped candy canes, large tempting piles of Turkish Delight, crinkling selection boxes and happy, sticky children. She's going to…

  • Jenny Colgan Christmas at the Cupcake Café EN

    Issy Randall, proud owner of the Cupcake Cafe, is in love and couldn't be happier. Her new business is thriving and she is surrounded by close friends, even if her cupcake colleagues Pearl and Caroline aren't quite as upbeat about the upcoming season of snow and merriment. But when her boyfriend Austin is scouted for a possible move to New York, Issy is forced to face up to the prospect of a long-distance romance.…

  • Jenny Colgan Christmas at the Cupcake Café EN

    Issy Randall, proud owner of The Cupcake Cafe, is in love and couldn't be happier. Her new business is thriving and she is surrounded by close friends, even if her cupcake colleagues Pearl and Caroline don't seem quite as upbeat about the upcoming season of snow and merriment. But when her boyfriend Austin is scouted for a possible move to New York, Issy is forced to face up to the prospect of a long-distance…

  • Jenny Colgan Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend EN

    What does an It girl do if she loses all her money? Sophie Chesterton is a girl about town - she knows all the right people, goes to all the right parties, and wears all the right clothes. But deep down she suspects that her best friends are actually rather nasty, and that her lifestyle doesn't really amount to much. Her father wants her to make her own way in the world, to make him proud. But after one shocking…

  • Jenny Colgan Kavárnička na pobřeží

    Floru přivede pracovní cesta na ostrůvek Mure, kde prožila dětství. Musí proto opustit hektický život v Londýně plném světel, což je pro ni velmi náročný úkol. Ani pohled na jasně modré moře ji příliš netěší. Navíc se musí starat o ...

  • Jenny Colgan Lessons

    Jenny Colgan's return to the Little School by the Sea - perfect for anyone who ever dreamed of going to boarding school! Lessons is the third novel in Jenny Colgan's beloved Maggie Adair series. As the summer holidays start, scandal hits Downey House...

  • Jenny Colgan Léto s vůní čerstvého chleba CZ

    K přílivovému ostrůvku v Cornwallu přilnula Polly Waterfordová natolik, že jí neposloužil jen jako přechodná štace, než se vzpamatuje z předchozího neúspěchu, ale nabídl jí vše, po čem toužila: blízkost moře a přírody, malou komunitu lidí, romantické bydlení v majáku, lásku a přátelství, práci, která ji naplňuje, a v neposlední řadě domácího mazlíčka, který by mazlíčkem vůbec neměl být. Jenže život je proměnlivý, a…

  • Jenny Colgan Little Beach Street Bakery EN

    Can baking mend a broken heart? From the bestselling author of Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe comes this deliciously funny, heartwarming and utterly inspirational new novel. Polly Waterford is recovering from a toxic relationship. Unable to afford their flat, she has to move miles away from everyone, to a sleepy little seaside resort in Cornwall, where she lives alone above an abandoned shop. And so Polly takes out…

  • Jenny Colgan Nekonečná pláž

    Když se Flora z Londýna vracela na rodný skotský ostrůvek Mure, nikdy by nevěřila, že její milovaný šéf Joel přijede za ní. Nečekala by, že si najde cestu zpět ke své rodině, obnoví stará přátelství a že otevře útulnou a úspěšnou kavárnu. A co víc, že...

  • Jenny Colgan Operation Sunshine EN

    Evie needs a good holiday. Not just because she's been working all hours in her job as a receptionist for two high-powered plastic surgeons - but also because every holiday she has ever been on in her life has involved sunburn, arguments and projectile vomiting - and sometimes all three at once. Why can't she have a normal holiday, like other people seem to have - some sun, sand, sea and (hopefully) sex? So when…

  • Jenny Colgan Operation Sunshine EN

    Evie is desperate for a holiday - a good one. Not only because she's been working all hours as a receptionist for two high-powered plastic surgeons, but also because every holiday she's ever been on has involved sunburn, arguments and projectile vomiting - sometimes all three at once. Why can't she have a normal holiday like everyone else: peaceful beaches, glorious sunshine and (fingers crossed) some much-needed…

  • Jenny Colgan Ostrov s vůní čerstvého chleba CZ

    Někdy se stane, že žijete celé roky s přítelem, s nímž máte vlastní prosperující podnik, bydlíte v luxusním manažerském bytě v Plymouthu, chodíte do vybrané společnosti, a zdá se, že jinak to ani být nemůže. A pak přijde bankrot, váš vztah to zničí a najednou nemáte nic. Chce to velkou odvahu začít znova. Třicetiletá Polly to dokázala. Bez prostředků, bez přátel se ocitla na přílivovém ostrově v Cornwallu. A po…

  • Jenny Colgan Polly and the Puffin EN

    Polly heard a Crash downstairs. Was it a monster? No! Was it a spider alien? No! It was a little puffin with a broken wing... When Polly discovers an injured puffin, she and her mummy look after him in their cottage by the sea. Slowly, Neil's wing heals and Polly must prepare herself to say goodbye to her new friend. Will she ever see him again? Perfect for bedtime stories and early readers. From the author of The…

  • Jenny Colgan The Christmas Surprise EN

    Rosie Hopkins, newly engaged, is looking forward to an exciting year in the little sweetshop she owns and runs. But when fate strikes Rosie and her boyfriend, Stephen, a terrible blow, threatening everything they hold dear, it's going to take all their strength and the support of their families and their Lipton friends to hold them together. After all, don't they say it takes a village to raise a child?

  • Jenny Colgan The Endless Beach

    On the quayside next to the Endless Beach sits the Summer Seaside Kitchen. It's a haven for tourists and locals alike, who all come to eat the freshest local produce on the island and catch up with the gossip. Flora, who runs the cafe, feels safe and content - unless she thinks too hard about her relationship with Joel, her gorgeous but emotionally (and physically) distant boyfriend. While Flora is in turmoil about…

  • Jenny Colgan The Endless Beach

    On the quayside next to the Endless Beach sits the Summer Seaside Kitchen. It's a haven for tourists and locals alike, who all come to eat the freshest local produce on the island and catch up with the gossip. Flora, who runs the cafe, ...

  • Jenny Colgan The Good, the Bad and the Dumped EN

    What if you've let Mr Right slip through your fingers? Should you track him down again? The perfect, feel-good novel for any woman who's been tempted to look up her exes on Facebook. Posy is delighted when Matt proposes - on top of a mountain, in a gale, in full-on romantic mode. But then disaster strikes and he backs out of the engagement. Crushed and humiliated, Posy starts thinking. Why has her love life always…

  • Jenny Colgan The Little Shop of Happy Ever After EN

    Sunday Times bestselling author Jenny Colgan returns with an hilarious, heartwarming, happy-ever-after as Nina follows her heart - and her dreams - to a new life in the countryside. Given a back-room computer job when the beloved Birmingham library she works in turns into a downsized retail complex, Nina misses her old role terribly - dealing with people, greeting her regulars, making sure everyone gets the right…
