Jennifer Probst (26 kníh)
Jennifer Probst Searching for Someday EN
Kate has given up on love - at least for herself. She is both blessed and cursed with the ability to sense a romantic connection between two people - a gift that her family has passed down for generations. When Kate launches her own matchmaking company, Kinnection, with her two best friends, she has to put aside her own romantic disasters to make her business succeed. When a furious man stalks into her office and…
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Jennifer Probst Skúška z lásky
Connor Dunkle má odjakživa jasno v tom, čo mu žena môže dať – má byť pekná, prítulná a poruke. Ak tieto tri P nemá, potom on nemá záujem. Vďaka svojej mužnosti a neodolateľnému šarmu zakaždým dostane, čo chce aj koho chce. Až kým nestretne ženu, ktorá mu urobí zo života peklo... a jeho to nadchne. Ella Blaková sa stará o syna a zároveň pracuje ako profesorka anglickej literatúry na univerzite, kam sa dostala vďaka…