Jeffrey Archer (77 kníh)
Jeffrey Archer A Prisoner of Birth EN
If Danny cartwright had proposed to Beth Wilson the day before, or the day after, he would not have been arrested and charged with the murder of his best friend. And when the four prosecution witnesses are a barrister, a popular actor, an aristocrat and the youngest partner in an established firm´s history, who is going to believe his side of the story? Danny is sentenced to twenty-two years and is sent to Belmarsh…
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Jeffrey Archer A Prisoner of Birth EN
If Danny Cartwright had proposed to Beth Wilson the day before, or the day after, he would not have been arrested and charged with the murder of his best friend. And when the four prosecution witnesses are a barrister, a popular actor, an aristocrat and the youngest partner in an established firm's history, who is going to believe his side of the story. Danny is sentenced to twenty-two years and is sent to Belmarsh…
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Jeffrey Archer And Thereby Hangs a Tale EN
Millions of readers around the world have relished Jeffrey Archer's short stories. Taking inspiration from his favorite short story writers - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Maupassant, H. H. Munro, W. Somerset Maugham and O. Henry - Jeffrey Archer has written five bestselling collections over the years and Macmillan are proud to announce the publication of a sixth volume of stories in May 2010. Jeffrey has a natural aptitude…
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Jeffrey Archer And Thereby Hangs A Tale
Millions of readers around the world have relished Jeffrey Archer's short stories. Taking inspiration from his favourite short story writers — F. Scott Fitzgerald, Maupassant, H. H. Munro, W. Somerset Maugham and O. Henry — Jeffrey Archer has written many bestselling collections over the years and he doesn't disappoint in And Thereby Hangs a Tale, his astounding sixth volume. Jeffrey has a natural aptitude for short…
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Jeffrey Archer Be Careful What You Wish For EN
The fourth spellbinding book in the epic Clifton Chronicles series. Be Careful What You Wish For opens with Harry Clifton and his wife Emma rushing to hospital to learn the fate of their son Sebastian, who has been involved in a fatal car accident. But who died, Sebastian or his best friend Bruno? When Ross Buchanan is forced to resign as chairman of the Barrington Shipping Company, Emma Clifton wants to replace him…
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Jeffrey Archer Be Careful What You Wish For EN
Be Careful What You Wish For opens with Harry Clifton and his wife Emma rushing to hospital to learn the fate of their son Sebastian, who has been involved in a fatal car accident. But who died, Sebastian or his best friend Bruno? When Ross Buchanan is forced to resign as chairman of the Barrington Shipping Company, Emma Clifton wants to replace him. But Don Pedro Martinez intends to install his puppet, the…
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Jeffrey Archer Best Kept Secret EN
The third novel in Jeffrey Archer's compelling saga, the Clifton Chronicles. 1945. The vote in the House of Lords as to who should inherit the Barrington family fortune has ended in a tie. The Lord Chancellor’s deciding vote will cast a long shadow on the lives of Harry Clifton and Giles Barrington. Harry returns to America to promote his latest novel, while his beloved Emma goes in search of the little girl who was…
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Jeffrey Archer Best Kept Secret EN
This is the third novel in Jeffrey Archer's compelling saga, the Clifton Chronicles. 1945. The vote in the House of Lords as to who should inherit the Barrington family fortune has ended in a tie. The Lord Chancellor's deciding vote will cast a long shadow on the lives of Harry Clifton and Giles Barrington. Harry returns to America to promote his latest novel, while his beloved Emma goes in search of the little girl…
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Jeffrey Archer Čas pomsty CZ
Měl to být kouzelný, romantický večer. Mladý automechanik Danny a jeho snoubenka vyrazí do vyhlášené restaurace v luxusní čtvrti, aby oslavili své zasnoubení. Zkříží cestu právníkovi Spenceru Craigovi. O pár hodin později je Danny obviněn z vraždy, zatčen a poté odsouzen k dvaadvaceti letům vězení. Jak je možné, že Craig podal nezvratné svědectví o jeho vině? Co se onu noc stalo? Jisté je jen jedno: ti dva se neměly…
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Jeffrey Archer Cat O´Nine Tales EN
Cat O’ Nine Tales is the sixth collection of irresistible short stories from the master storyteller illustrated by the internationally acclaimed artist, Ronald Searle, creator of Molesworth. These twelve yarns are so satisfying because they are ingeniously plotted, include richly drawn characters and have deliciously unexpected conclusions. They feature the mad, the bad and the dangerous to know as well as some more…
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Jeffrey Archer Cesta slávy CZ
Jako vůdce anglické výpravy v roce 1922 dovedl expedici až pod Severní sedlo do výšky 8255 metrů, ale při pokusu o výstup na vrchol došlo k tragédii, při níž zahynulo sedm šerpů. Výprava se vrátila do Anglie, kde byla podrobena kvůli neúspěchu velké kritice, nicméně Mallory se k Everestu ještě jednou vrátil. Poslední pokus o zdolání hory učinil 8. července 1924 s Andrewem Irvinem, ale oba zmizeli na svazích obrovské…
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Jeffrey Archer Cesta slávy
Niektorí ľudia majú také odvážne sny, že ak sa im ich podarí uskutočniť, svoje miesto v dejinách majú zaručené. Patria k nim aj známe osobnosti ako sir Francis Drake, kapitán Robert Scott, Charles Lindbergh, sir Edmund Hillary a Neil Armstrong. Ale čo ak mal jeden muž rovnako trúfalý sen, a keď si ho splnil, nenašiel sa dôkaz, že dosiahol svoj cieľ? Cesta slávy je príbehom takého muža. Až keď dočítate poslednú…
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Jeffrey Archer Cometh the Hour EN
Cometh the Hour opens with the reading of a suicide note, which has devastating consequences for Harry and Emma Clifton, Giles Barrington and Lady Virginia. Giles must decide if he should withdraw from politics and try to rescue Karin, the woman he loves, from behind the Iron Curtain. But is Karin truly in love with him, or is she a spy? Lady Virginia is facing bankruptcy, and can see no way out of her financial…
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Jeffrey Archer Cometh the Hour EN
Cometh the Hour opens with the reading of a suicide note, which has devastating consequences for Harry and Emma Clifton, Giles Barrington and Lady Virginia. Giles must decide if he should withdraw from politics and try to rescue Karin, the woman he loves, from behind the Iron Curtain. But is Karin truly in love with him, or is she a spy? Lady Virginia is facing bankruptcy, and can see no way out of her financial…
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Jeffrey Archer Erbe und Schicksal DE
England 1945: Der Zweite Weltkrieg ist beendet. Harry Clifton, der sich aus den Hafendocks Bristols hochgearbeitet hat, und sein treuer Jugendfreund Giles Barrington, Sprößling der Schifffahrt-Dynastie Barrington, haben überlebt. Endlich hat Harry zu seiner großen Liebe gefunden, zu Giles' Schwester Emma Barrington. Doch ein langer Schatten droht auf die jungen Menschen zu fallen. In einer dramatischen Verhandlung…
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Benjamin Iškariotský, Jeffrey Archer Evangelium podle Jidáše CZ
Ačkoli vyprávění o Jidáši Iškariotském, tragické postavě novozákonních příběhů, je velmi sugestivní, je třeba mít na paměti, že se jedná o fikci - mimořádně dobře napsanou, ale přece jen fikci. Jeffrey Archer, vynikající americký romanopisec, se vydává po Jidášových stopách a na základě novozákonních evangelií předkládá čtenáři svou verzi dávné historie... Jeho záměr byl jednoduchý, ale smělý. Archer chtěl napsat…
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Jeffrey Archer Evanjelium podľa Judáša
Hoci rozprávanie o Judášovi Iškariotskom, tragickej postave príbehov Nového zákona, je veľmi sugestívne, treba mať na pamäti, že ide o fikciu - mimoriadne dobre napísanú, ale predsa len o fikciu. Vynikajúci britský spisovateľ Jefrrey Archer sa vydáva po Judášových stopách na základe evanjelií Nového zákona a predkladá čitateľovi svoju verziu dávnej histórie... Jeho zámer bol jednoduchý, ale smelý. Archer chcel…
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Jeffrey Archer False Impression EN
When an aristocratic old lady is murdered in her country home the night before 9/11, it takes all the resources of the FBI and Interpol to work out the connection between her and the possible motive for her death - a priceless Van Gogh painting. This is a novel of twists, turns, and intrigue...