Jean-Louis Cohen (7 kníh)
Jean-Louis Cohen Future of Architecture Since 1889 EN
The highly acclaimed history of the architecture of the twentieth century and beyond - now in paperback. Jean-Louis Cohen, one of the world's leading architectural historians, serves up a compelling account of the developments that have shaped the world in which we live today. This highly accessible book begins with the Paris Universal Exposition of 1889, tracing architecture's evolution to the early twenty-first…
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Jean-Louis Cohen Le Corbusier CZ
Len málo architektov vyjadrilo svoje nádeje a sklamania z industriálneho veku tak výstižne ako Le Corbusier. A iba málo súčasníkov dokázalo tak šokovať. Le Corbusier postavil 75 jednotlivých stavieb v dvanástich krajinách sveta a vypracoval 42 významných plánov mestskej výstavby. Táto kniha predstavuje prostredníctvom fotografií a nákresov prácu umelca, ktorého posmrtná sláva narástla do obrovských rozmerov.
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Jean-Louis Cohen Le Corbusier EN
Architectural poetry in the machine ageArchitecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of volumes brought together in light. — Le Corbusier Born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, Le Corbusier (1887-1965) adopted his famous pseudonym after publishing his ideas in the review L'Esprit Nouveau in 1920. The few buildings he was able to design during the 1920s, when he also spent much of his time painting and…
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Jean-Louis Cohen, Peter Gössel Le Corbusier EN
Born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, Le Corbusier (1887-1965) adopted his famous pseudonym after publishing his ideas in the review L'Esprit Nouveau in 1920. The few buildings he was able to design during the 1920s, when he also spent much of his time painting and writing, brought him to the forefront of modern architecture. But it was not until after World War II that his epoch-making buildings were constructed, such as…
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Jean-Louis Cohen, Richard Pare Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier is widely acknowledged as the most influential architect of the twentieth century. As extensively researched and documented as his works are, however, they have never been exhaustively surveyed in photographs until now...
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Jean-Louis Cohen, Tim Benton Le Corbusier Le Grand EN
Drawing on an array of archival material, including sketches, photographs, and correspondences, Le Corbusier Le Grand depicts in roughly chronological order not only the vast and varied output of Le Corbusier, but also the major events, people, and forces that shaped the life of an artist who continues to fascinate those in and outside the architectural world.
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Jean-Louis Cohen Le Corbusier Le Grand
A spectacular visual biography of the life and work of Le Corbusier – one of the twentieth century's most influential architects. A decade after its first publication, the bestselling monograph Le Corbusier Le Grand is finally available in a new ...