Holly Bourne (29 kníh)
Holly Bourne ... And a Happy New Year?
Spinster Club girls Evie, Amber and Lottie are having a New Year party to remember! For the first time since leaving college, all three girls are back together. It's time for fun and flirting, snogs and shots. (And not tears and tantrums and ...
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Holly Bourne A jak se vám líbím teď?
Tori je ve svém životě nadmíru úspěšná. Její autobiografie se vyhřívá na knihkupeckých pultech mezi bestsellery, navíc patří mezi oblíbené motivační řečníky - a to je jí teprve třicet. Dny tráví posíláním inspirativních zpráv zástupům...
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Holly Bourne A jak se vám líbím teď?
Tori je ve svém životě nadmíru úspěšná. Její autobiografie se vyhřívá na knihkupeckých pultech mezi bestsellery, navíc patří mezi oblíbené motivační řečníky - a to je jí teprve třicet. Dny tráví posíláním inspirativních...
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Holly Bourne Am I Normal Yet? EN
All Evie wants is to be normal. And now that she's almost off her meds and at a new college where no one knows her as the-girl-who-went-nuts, there's only one thing left to tick off her list... But relationships can mess with anyone's head - something Evie's new friends Amber and Lottie know only too well. The trouble is, if Evie won't tell them her secrets, how can they stop her making a huge mistake?
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Holly Bourne And a Happy New Year? EN
Spinster Club girls Evie, Amber and Lottie are having a New Year party to remember! For the first time since leaving college, all three girls are back together. It's time for fun and flirting, snogs and shots. (And not tears and tantrums and horrible secrets.) Because everything's going right for these girls Spinster Club for ever! Right? Get ready for some serious partying - and some major New Year's revelations -…
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Holly Bourne How Do You Like Me Now?
There's no doubt that Tori is winning the game of life. She's inspired millions of women to stick two fingers up at convention with her bestselling memoir, and she has the perfect relationship to boot...
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Holly Bourne How Do You Like Me Now?
veryone wants to be Tori Bailey. A straight-talking, bestselling author, she's inspired millions of women around the world with her self-help memoir and uplifting Instagram posts. What's more, her perfect relationship with her long-term ...
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Holly Bourne How Hard Can Love be? EN
Amber, Evie and Lottie: three girls facing down tough issues with the combined powers of friendship, feminism and cheesy snacks. Both hilarious and heart-rending, this is Amber’s story of how painful – and exhilarating – love can be, following on from Evie’s story in Am I Normal Yet? All Amber wants is a little bit of love. Her mum has never been the caring type, even before she moved to California, got remarried…
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Holly Bourne Jsem holka. Co s tím?
Středoškolačka Lottie má plán. Odmaturuje se samými jedničkami, dostane se na Cambridge, stane se předsedkyní vlády, změní svět! Jenže když ji cestou do školy na ulici obtěžují dva dělníci, uvědomí si, že svět je...
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Holly Bourne Jsme všichni sněhové vločky?
Olive cítí, že je toho na ni moc. Popravdě, nejspíš se každou chvíli psychicky zhroutí. Nejradši by to neřešila, jenže zároveň cítí, že potřebuje pomoc. Proto přijme pozvání na trochu divný letní tábor, kde by se měla dát...
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Holly Bourne Si ty normálna?!
Známa autorka romantických románov Holly Bourne prichádza so sériou o dievčatách z klubu, v ktorom nik nie je dobrovoľne, z Klubu okašlaných báb. V prvej časti si jedna z nich – Evie – nehovorí nič iné, len: „Buď už konečne normálna!“ Snaží sa vysadiť antidepresíva a odchádza na strednú. Tu nikto nevie, že jej preskočilo. Chodí z jednej párty na druhú a spoznáva nových ľudí. Na zozname jej už treba odfajknúť len…
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Holly Bourne Som baba. Čo narobím?
Tretí diel série Klubu okašľaných báb. Klub založili tri kamošky - Amber, Evie a Lottie - baby, čeliace životným prekážkam tínedžeriek pomocou priateľstva, feminizmu...
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Holly Bourne Soulmates EN
Every so often, two people are born who are the perfect match for each other. Soulmates. But while the odds of this happening are about as likely as being struck by lightning, when these people do meet and fall in love, thunderstorms, lightning strikes and lashings of rain are only the beginning of their problems. After a chance meeting at a local band night, Poppy and Noah find themselves swept up in a whirlwind…
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Holly Bourne The Manifesto on How to be Interesting EN
Bree is a loser, a wannabe author who hides behind words. But when she's told she needs to start living a life worth writing about, The Manifesto on How to Be Interesting is born. Six steps on how to be interesting. Six steps that will see her infiltrate the popular set, fall in love with someone forbidden and make the biggest mistake of her life. Bree is a loser, a wannabe author who hides behind words. But when…
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Holly Bourne The Places I've Cried in Public
Amelie fell hard for Reese. And she thought he loved her too. But she's starting to realise that real love isn't supposed to hurt like this. So now she's retracing their story, revisiting all the places he made her cry...